Is your start up competing against big established ones?

suman saurabh
3 replies
are there already established large players who offer products in your space. Large players have suit of products and can undercut on pricing. What has been your strategy and what is your plan for future?


Deniz Sutaş
Yes we are, the challenge is real. As a LinkedIn automation add-on for sales teams, we got plenty of competitors, especially those in North America who are not bound by GDPR regulations. We lack their immense paid marketing budget, their workforce -hence product development speed-, and it is a struggle to keep up at this point where innovations progress -most probably- faster than ever. However, let's talk about what keeps us going and motivated. We do have a decent retention rate, once an interested new user gets a grasp of the platform they mostly stay. Our platform is simple, has a decent UX and user flow. More users seek such simpler platforms, and I get motivated every time I see another user satisfied with their campaign. Those who are less tech savvy are not only amazed with simplistic design, but also by their ability to execute the whole sales development process (lead prospecting+outreach automation+pipeline tracking) from a single interface.
suman saurabh
@deniz_sutas the UX part is so underrated today. can i ask you a question - do you consider UX to be a real moat when product development is so fast?
Marie-Philippe Leblanc
Yes, we are! But obviously we're trying to do things differently. We're competing against Zapier & on workflow automation. We're focusing on quick & easy, no drag & drop. AI generated workflows. HIPPA compliance. We're prelaunch, check us out! (