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  • Is Twitter the best social media channel for audience growth? What's your preferred channel?

    Charlie Kor
    87 replies
    Almost everyone mentions Twitter as the best channel for growing an audience Twitter is my favorite social channel. This is because I can communicate with my niche easily compared to other channels. What's your preferred channel?


    This varies depending on the product or service you offer. For example, Instagram is very good for B2C and sometimes even B2B business. But LinkedIn has greater potential for B2B business.
    @charlie_lee1 Great question Charlie! One effective way to grow your audience on LinkedIn is by regularly sharing valuable content that is relevant to your target audience. Additionally, engaging with your network by commenting on and sharing their posts can help you build relationships and expand your reach. Lastly, don't forget to optimize your profile with relevant keywords and a professional profile picture to attract more views and followers. Hope that helps!
    Charlie Kor
    @mehmet_talha_sisman Yes, I would like to know how you use Linkedin to grow your audience.
    Kevin Lu
    Mine is LinkedIn~
    Charlie Kor
    @dot_brand Hi, Kevin! Would you use LinkedIn to reach your growth audience? Is Linkedin primarily used by your niche?
    Noel Rajakumar
    @dot_brand Correct! LinkedIn is also a great way to reach audience and grow provided we cater to our target audience
    Kevin Lu
    @noel_rajakumar Indeed! It's a very useful platform for startups reaching out their audience!
    Kevin Lu
    @charlie_lee1 I use LinkedIn to reach my target audiences, and yes, it's primarily used by my niche~
    It's depends, if your customer is B2C - Twitter and Instagram, if it's B2B only LinkedIn
    Matthias Strafinger
    @realvladgolub in certain verticals twitter is also valid for b2b (e.g. agency business)
    Luca Gonnelli
    @realvladgolub @matthias_strafinger agree with twitter being interesting for b2b
    Charlie Kor
    @realvladgolub Yes, agree. It depends on what your niche's main social media channel is
    Dielleza Galica
    I think it really depends on the niche you are in and where your target audience is most active. Twitter may work great for some, but others might find more success on Instagram or LinkedIn. It's important to not just blindly follow what everyone else is doing, but instead experiment with different channels and see which one resonates most with your specific audience. Additionally, creating valuable content that speaks directly to your target demographic can go a long way in growing an engaged following regardless of which platform you choose.
    Shaur ul Asar
    I prefer using LinkedIn
    Charlie Kor
    @shaur_ul_asar Oh. How does SaaS marketing use Linkedin to grow its audience?
    Nihal Kothiyal
    but now it became a pay to play tool.. if you've don't have blue then your tweets are not gonna recommended.
    Charlie Kor
    @nihalkothiyal Yes..many things are changing nowadays.. :(
    Morgan Kung
    @nihalkothiyal @charlie_lee1 Yes, social medias changed a lot recently.
    Nuno Reis
    As we are B2B we have been using LinkedIn most. But that is also because we don't have a good follower base in Twitter. I think a combination of both may work best. (different tones)
    Charlie Kor
    @nuno_ms_reis I agree. Combining both channels can be very powerful. However, do you think both channels are quite different in building an audience?
    Nuno Reis
    @charlie_lee1 I think so. I've had a very easy time growing my LinkedIn moderately, however Twitter I really have no ideia what I'm doing. Pretty new to it.
    Rupin Mathur
    I use twitter for community building mainly because a majority of my target audience are present on that platform, You should however check platforms where your target audience is most active and build your social standing there. Once you explore you might be surprised to see your target audience active on platforms which you had never given any thought on previously.
    Charlie Kor
    @rupin_mathur Yes, I Agree. The first step is to find out where my target audience is active!
    HyunGun Jung
    @expert_app_devs Hi, Jignen What part of Facebook do you use most?
    Martha Snooper
    I think YouTube is the best social media channel nowadays for reaching the right audience because people tend to see the videos more rather than read anything.
    Charlie Kor
    @marthasnooper Oh new approach! I agree, Nowadays, it's all about content
    Penny Hartley
    Reddit, LinkedIn, Twitter. I like Reddit because it allows discussion and feedback and there are also advert slots you can pay for
    Charlie Kor
    @tr1p3 Oh I wonder how you build an audience on Reddit. Because it's always hustling for me Any recommendations for a good subreddit?
    Penny Hartley
    @charlie_lee1 There are so many it is hard to condense down because it depends what you are building or looking for, but to start with https://www.reddit.com/r/SaaS/, https://www.reddit.com/r/alphaan..., https://www.reddit.com/r/startups/, https://www.reddit.com/r/webmark..., https://www.reddit.com/r/gadgets/ https://www.reddit.com/r/tech/ Here is an old list of all subreddits, they are still all running:https://www.reddit.com/r/computi... For ads: https://accounts.reddit.com/adsr... On Reddit, you also have your own page that people can follow so once you created Karma and enough interest, you can post on your own page for engagement.
    Vladimir Malyavko
    It depends on a product, for example, I have a "clothing" brand an the main channel for me was Instagram. If we speak about tech/IT - I prefer Twitter. Linkedin is more like a blog for me.
    Charlie Kor
    @v_m10 Yes true, It depends on Target.
    Adam Lui
    Twitter is really dead compared to before Elon Musk took over and drove users away in droves per chaotic action taken. Mastodon is where I find my most success
    Rowe Morehouse
    @adamlui mastodon is good for lead gen and sales? what is your target audience for your product?
    Adam Lui
    @rowemore Mastodon is filled with early adopters of tech. So it can be good for lead gen and sales if your product is hi-tech (mine are ChatGPT-based apps)
    Charlie Kor
    @adamlui Yes, many things have changed.
    Jonas Schaller
    i think tiktok is the best, best algorhytm to find people interested in your stuff, from there on lead them to other socialmedias so you can have more impact then 5 seconds on them
    Charlie Kor
    @jonassc You are the first to mention Tiktok here. As a developer, Tiktok is helpful to grow your audience?
    Rowe Morehouse
    @jonassc what do you sell? what types of buyers can you reach on TikTok?
    Jonas Schaller
    @rowemore Tiktok is nor for selling, its for building a brand, you cant really sell the people something, you can show them how "cool" your brand is, get audience, reach many people and hopefully converte them to other socialmedias. I make free apps so its different to like a normal product selling company.
    Jonas Schaller
    @charlie_lee1 yes grow audience fast, worldwide and without marketing budget. It can be so easy to go viral there and reach people how are interested, but that takes some work and videos that are interessting for the audience
    Denislav Jeliazkov
    As a designer, I've been to Instagram early on, Twitter and Linkedin. However, I must say that the best channel is Youtube. It's the one that takes the longest to develop BUT has the highest ROI. Also this depends on your niche B2B or B2C
    Charlie Kor
    @denislav_jeliazkov Oh, Thank you for your insight. I'll check Youtube too
    Andreas Møller
    For users / customers it is mostly twitter, though we are just starting out with instagram aswell.
    Charlie Kor
    @andreas_toddle I agree, I heard Instagram is also the strategic channel for product makers.
    Andreas Møller
    @charlie_lee1 yes we are gonna start there too 👍
    Aviv Icel
    Twitter is... hard. If you don't have an existing following personally, building a following for a project company is very time-consuming. You have to know your niche very well and know how to interact with others that work in the same space. I find it easier than Instagram, personally. I don't fare too well on Instagram. Depending on your field of work, dedicated discussion groups on Discord and Facebook may provide better traction.
    Mark Pavlyukovskyy
    @aviv_m_icel great point, fee same about Twitter. Reddit is a way more faster.
    Aviv Icel
    @mark_pavlyukovskyy I always forget about Reddit 😅
    Charlie Kor
    @avivicel Yes, Agree! Building an audience on Twitter takes time and effort.🙂
    Charlie Kor
    @tejaswini_gopalaswamy Building an audience on Linkedin is not familiar with me any experience share?
    @charlie_lee1 Try linkedin groups, also building an audience on linkedin first requires that you build your personal brand well with good quality, consistent information shared on the platform. It's also leveraging your network outside of linkedin that helps actually build your audience. Read up on weak and strong tie connections. I hope this helps.
    Max Holub
    mine is probably linkedin - just because of niche specifics but twitter works amazing in some niches, so it's just a matter of your business' domain
    Charlie Kor
    @maksim_holub1 Thank you for sharing! Do you think what's the big difference between Twitter and Linkedin?
    Max Holub
    @charlie_lee1 the way people communicate + the why people communicate