Is this your first startup?

Alex Egorov
90 replies
Is this your first startup? Or maybe you are a successful serial entrepreneur? Share your experience!


Vivek Sharma
@slimmy82 to be honest I am thrilled about it. However, it does get scary at times, especially when i think of the current market and the competition.
@vivek_equp you and me both! How are you feeling about it?
@vivek_equp yeah, I’m in the same boat as you. Excited and scared at times
Vivek Sharma
@slimmy82 I wish you all the best for the future! Hope you succeed in all you endeavors 😊
Julia Doronina
This isn't my first startup, but I haven't been the main creator of the idea in any of them, so I hope to have my own personal startup in the future.
Arnout Ulenberg
@julia_demyanchuk I have had a similar situation in the past btw, where I was not driving the ideas. It failed 100% of the time, not because I know better, but because sometimes it is better to take control over the things you believe in, so that you can flourish as much as you can. This taught me a lot
Mateo Ezequiel
@julia_demyanchuk same here! Everyday is a new learning!
Yes, I would say technically this is my first one. A lot of stuff to do when. you are a solo founder haha
Aleksa Teőić
Yes it is! It started as a side project I worked on while at faculty, and at some point I realized that it might actually be useful for other people as well.
@imafikus good for you! How are you feeling about it? Nervous? Excited?
@imafikus Have you ever feel butterflies in the stomach ? πŸ˜…πŸ˜…
Aleksa Teőić
@slimmy82 Excited most of the time I'd say!
Aleksa Teőić
@istiakahmad Oh definitely, almost daily!
Mahir Mahdi
Yes I'm just starting out as an indie. I'm building this product to learn all the non technical stuff. What about you Alex?
Andrew Noah
Yes it is! It started as a side project I worked on while at faculty, and at some point I realized that it might actually be useful for other people as well.
Arnout Ulenberg
I started 3 businesses before with varying results. Now I am working on the 4th one (product on PH today), and am doing everything different than I did before, taking the best practices I learned in the past, along with me
@arnout_ulenberg that’s the way to do it!! Learn from past apply to new
Alexander Dolton
Yes, I would say technically this is my first one.
Yes and nervous as hell to launch but also excited! How about you Alex?
Dariush Abbasi
It's my first not failed startup :D
Mihajlo Kovacevic
I had a few smaller projects before, but this one is officially the first startup.
@mihajlokovacevic same for me πŸ˜…πŸ˜…
Kobe Hall
No dear, This isn't my first startup
Yevhen Melnychenko
Already launched one product on PH. It was extremely exciting, I got a lot of feedbacks, and users. After selling my first product, I took a break and now I’m already preparing a new product, which in my opinion is clearly head and shoulders above the past, I approach it with the same great interest as the first.
@yevhen_melnychenko Wow a good comeback Yevhen πŸ‘Š
Joeson Au
Yes! Can't wait to post my product.
Janis Wilczura
Its actually my second start-up I did "uptea" before, a high caffeine tea for those who want to get awake without drinking coffee or unhealthy energy drinks, while at the same time doing something for the enviroment.
Felya Bilgen
Not the first one, but the favorite one.
@felicitias Love how you explained it ( :
Launching soon!
Yes, it is! I am super excited and kind of nervous honestly. What about you?
@mahajan Super. I'm not feeling nervous yet. I think will feel at the last moment of the launch πŸ˜…
Launching soon!
@istiakahmad haha totally agreed
Gabriel Serrano
Yes it is! It's been a great learning experience so far!