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  • is there a space for a platform that enables freelancers to form co-op like agencies on bchain

    4 replies


    Philip Dam
    This is an interesting concept. What would this look like theoretically?
    @phdam3 yeah so basically any freelancer can go to our platform , connect his vallet and form an entity(agency), he then specifies the people required for his entity the skillsets, experience and the eth they have to stake to join the entity(this is the security against sabotaging). the creator also specifies the pay percentage of each member and various terms and condition interested freelancers can send request to join , once an entiy is formed they can bid for contracts from the marketplace. any dispute between the entity and outsourcer of the job will be solved by forming a voting comitee of random validators . any change within the entity(add/removing members, changing pay percentage will be done through a voting process any member can propose a change it must be accepted by 51 percentage majority)
    Krishna Kumar
    Timing. With all the crypto news....