Is personal blogging dead?
Carter Michael
6 replies
I.e., is creating your own website with a blog attached to it a waste of time?
With everyone building in public on platforms like Twitter where information is in-and-out quickly, spending time creating long form personal content a waste of time?
Do you still read personal blogs?

As dead as radio, television and every other thing that has been declared dead over the last couple of decades…
No, actually, it's alive and kicking, and it will remain that way. =)

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@simplytedel Good reference! Thanks for the comment.

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@jerryton_surya1 Is that https://www.marketingplusbrandin... that you have linked on your profile? BTW, awesome bounce rate - good job!
I don't think so. I write my own thoughts weekly here: and it leads to an organic growth of subscribers monthly.
Launching soon!
Just bumping this as we are actually focusing on a personal blogging product, with the intent to launch this spring. It can be used for a wide variety of sites, from personal portfolios to group-based gaming wikis. We're at the point where we're doing final clean up and then planning to do a launch (here and elsewhere).
Here's an example:
And another: