Is it safe to build in public?

Billy Hoang
6 replies
I was against the idea of building in public because of the distraction and pain it brings. Seeing friends, family and coworkers see all your progress from the flaws to errors you make and have bad opinions on you. It makes me feel even more pressure to not want to mess up. What do you guys think?


Business Marketing with Nika
I think that build in public is a great approach to show off along the way. So you can improve continuously your work. On the other hand, try to consider what you share. I witnessed some people who have been "copycatted" because competition copied everything 1:1.
Billy Hoang
@busmark_w_nika how would I deal with potential copy cats?
Billy Hoang
@billy_mofilo another thing I had thought about is what happens if people think I’m a copy cat?
Business Marketing with Nika
@billy_mofilo To share only certain things. You can still share your progress but try to avoid major changes. Once, there will be copycats but try to be 3 steps ahead to be seen as the first who established the change.
Daniel Bukač
Don't regard it as distraction, marketing is at least 50% of success. And you choose one of the hardest paths you possibly could, off course you'll fail some things. So don't be afraid to mess things up, just don't fail big or fatally. You learn through failure
Either you build in public or not, you will get judged by people around you, because they often don’t know what it takes to build something or be an entrepreneur . But building in public , you ll get support and constructive feedback from people who have been in your shoes and others that are embarked on the same journey. And you ll grow faster and stronger.