Is it better to work at night or during the day?

mohsen rajabi
9 replies


Whenever you are most productive.
mono lim
If you are unsure whether you are a night person or a day person, you may want to try working both shifts to see which one you prefer. You may also want to talk to your doctor to get their recommendations, especially if you have any health concerns.
Shokat Ali
Ultimately, the best way to decide whether to work at night or during the day is to consider your personal preferences, needs, and circumstances.
Diana Akchurina
Depends on how much resources you have and how long you want to stay healthy. For people is normal to sleep at night.
Elmira P. Nelson
The ideal time varies; choose when you're most productive and focused.
Artyom Sviridov
It depends on the person. I'd rather work during daytime and leave my evenings and nights for hobbies and sleep.