Is it better to launch with a Hunter or without one? Why?

Alex Egorov
8 replies


Maria Anosova 🔥
Until you try it, you won't know
Kostya Bolshukhin
People I know launched without a Hunter and won Product of the Day. Moreover, PH wrote a nice article about this topic here:
what would be the drawback of launching with a hunter?
Julia Doronina
I think it's more convenient to launch on our own without Hunter, so you can manage your launch and not depend on anyone.
Lakshya Singh
Really doesn't matter that much. Launching with a Hunter only brings their followers. If you already have a good following, you don't need that. Moreover, focus on the community instead of Hunters.
Barry Zheng
Launching with a Hunter can give your product a significant boost, especially if they have influence and reach in your industry. It's about leveraging their network for greater exposure.
do it yourself, it is more efficient and attract people attention