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  • Is Gen AI the key to adding a 'Human' touch in healthcare?

    1 reply
    It is a bit ironic, but my recent experiences highlight patients' challenges in understanding diagnoses and treatment options. I have written about my experience here: https://medium.com/p/2210779dd66a


    I hear you, and what is sad is that the way almost all institutions in the world practice modern medicine, the doctors, and related practitioners have reached a very numb, AI-like state already. Most doctors are often so cold. They look at the screen and tell you to have X or Y or Z, and if you don't change your lifestyle dramatically, you will be on meds for the rest of your life, etc. Psychiatrists are happy to prescribe drugs to keep the patients in vegetative status. So changing the communication to AI won't be a big miss as communication has already degraded to a non-human level. We need to change that. We need AI to write comments, review the potential for mistakes, and help doctors and other related practitioners find more time to be human to their patients.