Is ChatGPT birthing an era of non-tech folks building products?
5 replies
Is ChatGPT the solution non-tech product creators have been waiting for?
With ChatGPT, non-tech folks can literally have an idea and ask the AI to develop it and even write codes. With minimal knowledge of product design and development, anybody can now build a product.
Do you think such products would be valuable to customers?
Odun Odubanjo@odunodubanjo
Absolutely. I think ChatGPT puts no-code solutions at risk because it’s suddenly so easy to create working apps that users love and pay for. Exciting times ahead.
Twinr - App Builder
I don’t think so.. It’s hard.
it's the first step for sure. May be good enough to build prototypes for some quick feedback.
I believe the human mind is always better.