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  • Is anyone running out of ideas?

    7 replies
    Lately have you been running out of ideas and things you could execute/iterate on?


    Paul VanZandt
    I'm definitely having to get more creative with my outreach and ideas - I'd be interested in hearing how you find new channels.
    Paul VanZandt
    @vados I like that you pointed out Reddit as a way to source new ideas, even if they're limited by your personal interests. This is something I need to do more!
    @paul_vanzandt Hey Paul sorry for the delay! What works for me is trying to stay always on in terms of business ideas. IMO the only way to be more creative is to intake more more influences, I think our brains do the rest of the synthesis. Maybe start hanging out in more communities or try to find underserved markets? More concretely, you could try looking at the bottom 100 of the top 500 subreddits (http://redditlist.com/). That's probably an easier way to see new trends, find new small communities which are likely underserved. That said, I have to admit my ideas are mostly centered around my interests and software/SaaS, there aren't too many hardware startup ideas in there. Actually one idea I had for a hardware company is a mechanical posture indicator. Think of a sort of gray segmented mechanical snake (essentially a partial exoskeleton) that is integrated into a undershirt (splits in half and magnets on both sides?) -- it would be cool to be able to continuously measure my posture (and possibly alert myself when my posture is bad). Of course... how to monetize this is the real question, but it's a fun idea. Many ideas have been on my mind for a long time, so it's been over many years.
    Like most people, I have a ton of ideas that I'll probably never get to, so I figured maybe I'd share them with those who find it hard to pick something to start on! If that sounds like you: Unvalidated Ideas Newsletter
    I think this is an excellent question, as it is something I have been stuck by in the past. We have all heard that "the world has more ideas than it has people." There are many dimensions to the answer to this question. The issue of how ideas are created is another debate for another day. That being said, the answer to your question is definitely not and likely never will be yes. How do people continue coming up with new ideas? One key piece of advice that I have given to others in similar predicaments and myself as well: look at what is overlooked or forgotten, then invent a new way or solution for those problems.
    Antonio Fernández Porrúa
    Never. And it makes it hard to focus on one project. You just see something that could be done better, or you just found yourself with a need for which the market has no proper solutions. I think you only require a bit of nonconformity on top of a bit of creativity. And also a load of self-worship and truly think that you can come out in 5 seconds with a better idea than everybody else who might be thinking about that for years. For instance, Yesterday I had this idea. https://www.winwingrowth.com/ At least I learned the lesson and I have only spent a few hours making the landing instead of months developing the product.
    @antonio_fernandez_porrua > At least I learned the lesson and I have only spent a few hours making the landing instead of months developing the product. The real lesson. Market validation is key