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  • Is anyone building multiple products for totally different purposes at the same time?

    Howe Wang
    1 reply
    Coming from big tech, I've been fascinated by the differences between developing B2B and B2C products on my own with my 2B product www.procure.fyi and my consumer product www.byeextension.com. One of the biggest differences I is of course the feedback loop. While the development cycle for B2B products is relatively shorter, the feedback loop is much slower. However, because I am targeting a niche market that I know well, I am able to target a specific group of people to evaluate my ideas. On the other hand, my B2C product has to go through long, time-consuming rounds of security reviews, especially since it is a Gmail spam-blocking product. This has made it difficult for me to launch anywhere, and I'm still struggling to get ranked and prioritized in Chrome Web Store. I would love to hear from other Product Hunt members who have faced similar challenges while launching their products on Chrome Web Store or other platforms. Let's start a conversation :)


    Carter Michael
    Yup! Career service product: roastedresume.com and a men's styling product: vettedcloset.com And more in the works (mentally). Having lots of projects keeps things interesting, even if it slows down focus on one or more.