iPhone or Android 🤖?

Oleksandr Buratynskyi
67 replies
Comment which model and why did you choose that? Let’s see who wins 🙌


Tom Nick
i am iPhone user
Igor Lysenko
I prefer Android than iPhone.
Igor Lysenko
@sasha_buratynskyi You only ask questions to those who wrote Android, are you making a product on iPhone?
Oleksandr Buratynskyi
@ixord No. I'm owning iphone and know very little about Android ecosystem. We're making an app for both iOS and Android and it's also a challenge cuz i'm not sure how those system should be different ? or should they?
Igor Lysenko
@sasha_buratynskyi Yes, they differ, but basically when I choose a phone for myself, I choose it by power. I chose Android because my phone model was more powerful than the iPhone.
Oleksandr Buratynskyi
Android is winning! Does it really so much better than Iphone?
Simona O'Neill
iPhone! I just can't imagine myself using anything else. I tried to switch to Samsung once and just couldn't get used to it so went back to the iPhone. It's just the ease of use, the convenience of being able to send iMessages to my family and friends, FaceTime, Apple pay... everything. My life is on my phone and iPhone offers everything I need.
Oleksandr Buratynskyi
@simona_o_neill3 I really felt the same. It was at the moment i've had samsung in my hand. I couldn't bare the sense of plastic. It's very subjective and a lot for me goes around Apple ecosystem. As you said it just offer everything. However i like Google suite and i'm glad it exist on iOS also
Oleksandr Buratynskyi
@priyankamandal that is interesting! Can you share details - why do you have both?
Viola Schoell
I love my iPhone and wouldn't want to be without it again
George Aleesu
Android for me
Marvin Mändle
Iphone, because apple has the best ecosystem!
Jotam Dveer
iPhone :)!
Paolo Go
iPhone because it's easy to use, and its performance is much better than Android (at least, until a few years ago). I also find the iPhone UI more intuitive than Android, and the keyboard is much faster.
Daniel Hernandez
Android. But the real question is not "what features Android allow you to do that iPhone don't" is more like "how much it cost". Also the freedom of the apps and more models to choose from :)