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  • Interactive pitch decks: gadget or real game changer?

    Morgane Granier
    46 replies
    Interactive pitch decks, with immersive experiences, bring a new level of engagement to presenting ideas. But are they truly game-changers in the world of fundraising, or just another flashy gadget in a startup’s toolkit?


    I think interactive pitch decks offer more value than just gadgets, making complex ideas clearer.
    Morgane Granier
    @jofra_glies I totally agree—interactive pitch decks can go beyond just being eye-catching. What kind of interactions do you mostly use in your decks?
    Morgane Granier
    For me, interactivity for the sake of interactivity is pointless; it needs to have a clear purpose and add real value to the presentation. For example: enabling VCs to test in live my product IN my slides adds so much flair to my deck. They're immediately hooked by the fact they can actually play with it in my presentation.
    Dhruv N
    @morgane_glt I completely agree! Interactive pitch decks are a total game changer. They make presentations feel more like a conversation and less like a lecture. Plus, they help you stand out from the crowd and make a lasting impression. It's a no-brainer for anyone looking to elevate their pitch game!
    Jack Lipsky
    @morgane_glt I'll second this as well - I saw an article recently promoting "interactive resumes" that include links, videos, emojis and whatever else. Some of it might be useful, linking to a portfolio or your relevant work/site, but the whole "make it interactive so it's different" or just for the sake of interactivity, is superfluous.
    SEO Services
    Interactive pitch decks can definitely be a game changer when used effectively. They not only capture attention but also provide a dynamic way to convey complex ideas in a more engaging and memorable format. Just like in Clash of Clans: https://bases-coc.com/, where strategy and creativity are key, a well-designed interactive deck allows startups to stand out and create a more compelling narrative for investors. However, it’s important that the interactivity enhances the message, not overshadow it—otherwise, it can feel more like a gimmick.
    Vimal Kumar
    Try using this tool to create a pitch deck next time. https://chromewebstore.google.co... Thank me later!!
    Morgane Granier
    @vimal_kumar_rai Thanks for sharing this tool—it looks interesting! I’ll definitely check it out. Maybe we'll be able to embed it in our presentation software editapp.io ✨
    Martin Gulp
    Interactive pitch decks are definitely a great for me . They make presentations more enging nd memorable
    Morgane Granier
    @martin_gulp Absolutely! The challenge is striking the right balance so that the interactivity enhances the message without overwhelming it.
    Lia thomas
    I see them as a useful tool, but I’m not convinced they’re a total great. Sometimes, traditional decks still do the trick.
    Morgane Granier
    @lia_thomas Of course traditional decks can still be very effective, especially when the focus is on straightforward, clear communication. Interactive decks offer another tool in the toolbox, especially when you need to stand out or explain something complex in an engaging way. It’s all about choosing the right approach for the right audience!
    Ramsey Bolton
    they re great way to stand out nd keep investors interested the interactive elements add new layer to the pitch process
    Morgane Granier
    @ramsey_bolton2 Spot on! When used strategically, they can turn a standard pitch into a more memorable and impactful experience, making it easier to leave a lasting impression.
    Draco Dawson
    For me, the interactive element of pitch decks adds a whole new level of professionalism. It’s like turning a standard presentation into an immersive experience, which is pretty impressive.
    Morgane Granier
    @draco_dawson Right on! Adding interactivity can definitely make a pitch feel more polished. It’s a great way to elevate presentations and keep the audience interested without feeling like just another slide show.
    lauren micheal
    According to me, Interactive pitch decks truly enhance presentations by showcasing ideas more vividly and engagingly.
    Morgane Granier
    @lauren_micheal I completely agree! Interactive pitch decks can bring ideas to life in a way that static slides just can’t, making the presentation more engaging and easier for the audience to connect with the key points. It’s all about making your message stand out!
    Tom Nick
    I think they’re more than just a gadget. The ability to interact and visualize data can really help in getting the message across.
    Morgane Granier
    @tom_ni_ck Absolutely, I think you’re spot on! The interactive elements can make data more digestible and help convey the message in a clear, impactful way. It’s not just about the wow factor—it’s about making complex information more accessible and engaging for the audience.
    Philip Polk
    For some pitches, interactive decks might be overkill. It depends on the audience and the type of presentation.
    Morgane Granier
    @philip_polk I completely agree—knowing your audience is key. It’s all about tailoring your approach to fit the context and the people you’re pitching to.
    Christopher Adams
    I've found them really effective in keeping the attention of my audience. It’s like taking storytelling to the next level.
    Morgane Granier
    @christopher__adams Keeping the audience’s attention is half the battle, and a well-crafted interactive deck can make your story stick. What kind of interactivity did you offer in your decks?
    Nancy Philip
    I find interactive pitch decks pretty cool, but I’m not sure they’re essential for every fundraising effort.
    Morgane Granier
    @nancy_philip I hear you—it’s true that interactive decks aren’t a one-size-fits-all solution. While they can add a unique touch, the core of any successful pitch is still a strong, clear narrative. Interactivity is just one tool in the toolbox, best used when it genuinely adds value to the story you’re telling.
    Ceferina Cadieux
    Interactive pitch decks are definitely engaging and can make presentations stand out. However, I think the content still matters more than the flashy presentation.
    Morgane Granier
    @ceferina_cadieux Absolutely, I agree with you. It’s not about creating a flashy presentation but about using interactivity to make the content pop and keep the audience engaged. The focus should always be on enhancing the message and bringing key points to life in a way that sticks with the audience.
    Kira Ortega
    I’ve used interactive pitch decks a few times, and they do make the pitch more engaging. But from my experience, the effectiveness really comes down to how well you present your core ideas, not just the interactive elements.
    Morgane Granier
    @kira_ortega Completely agree! Interactive pitch decks can definitely boost engagement, but they’re only as good as the ideas they showcase. What kind of interactive features did you use in your decks?
    Destiny Jeremiah
    I think interactive pitch decks can be a real breaker! They make presentations more engaging and can help get your message across better.
    Morgane Granier
    @destiny_jeremiah Absolutely, they can take your pitch to the next level! It’s all about creating a memorable experience that makes your message stick—kind of like turning a monologue into a conversation. 🎯
    sandhya Kumari
    I’m wondering if interactive pitch decks are worth the extra effort. Do they really improve how potential investors or clients perceive your pitch?
    Morgane Granier
    @sandhya_kumari_ Great question! When done right, they can make your pitch feel more dynamic and engaging, which might be just what’s needed to leave a lasting impression. But yeah, you’ve got to balance the wow factor with substance!
    Lucy Rolff
    I love the idea of making presentations more interactive. I’m just not sure if it’s worth the investment for every pitch.
    Morgane Granier
    @lucy_rolff Totally hear you! Not every pitch needs all the bells and whistles, but when it’s the right moment, those interactive elements can help make a complex idea clear and keep the audience hooked.
    I’m interested in how interactive pitch decks compare to traditional ones in terms of effectiveness.
    Morgane Granier
    @kimch_i It really depends on your audience and how you use those interactive features. They’re not a magic bullet, but when paired with solid content, they can make your pitch feel more personal and impactful.
    Mae Twyman
    I’ve seen some great interactive pitch decks lately. I’m wondering if they they’re a gimmick or if they genuinely add value.
    Morgane Granier
    @mae_twyman It’s easy to think they might be gimmicky, but if they’re used to enhance storytelling and provide real value, they’re far from just eye candy. It’s about striking the right balance between engagement and content.
    Allen Deck
    I am looking into using interactive pitch decks. Does anyone have tips on how to make them effective without going overboard?
    Morgane Granier
    @allen_deck Keep it simple and purposeful—focus on elements that highlight your key points without distracting. A well-placed demo or interactive chart can be powerful, but too many effects can overwhelm. Less can be more!