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  • Insights from my 3rd startup journey

    Rok Bozic
    0 replies
    After a year of relentless development and countless iterations, we've made it through the MVP-to-better-MVP journey, and we finally launched here! Along the way, we've amassed valuable lessons that I'd love to share with you. I hope you'll find them intriguing, and I'm genuinely excited to field any questions and delve deeper into the discussion. "If you're not ashamed of your product, you're already launching too late." This was our guiding principle, and honestly, it's been the best advice we've ever received. We pushed our product out into the world, warts and all, after just six weeks of development! It was stripped down to its bare essentials, with a single function, riddled with bugs, and prone to occasional meltdowns. Surprisingly, we still managed to attract some initial users. This was a significant milestone for us. Beyond the obvious benefit of swiftly gaining real user feedback, which in turn helped us pinpoint our priorities, early launching ignited our team's enthusiasm and drive. It compelled us to complete the entire feedback loop instead of endlessly refining a single component in isolation. The full loop of build -> launch -> measure -> learn proved to be pivotal. As it turns out, building is merely the first step in a four-step journey, and the key is to traverse this loop as rapidly as possible. "Having amazing teammates is everything." Well, not everything, but having outstanding teammates has been our saving grace during the rollercoaster ride of ups and downs. There were moments of sheer panic when our early users reported major issues, and I had barely managed to snag four hours of sleep. It felt like giving up, but then, out of nowhere, an incredible teammate swooped in to the rescue. Or take, for example, someone like me, a developer with no design skills, but with one of my dearest friends as a co-founder, a world-class designer. What once seemed insurmountable not only became manageable but also transformed into a competitive edge. "If teammates are not everything, then what else is there?" Strategy and luck. We've devised a strategy for success, but in a landscape filled with relentless competitors, it's a battle out there. What's crucial is that our strategy is based on assumptions over which we have no direct control: the overall economy, our specific market segment, our competitors actions, and the evolving desires of our customers. We must constantly monitor these assumptions, these risks, or we might be blindsided. This entails keeping a close eye on economic and market trends and contemplating their potential impact on our startup. While we're laser-focused on being customer-centric (because what are we without satisfied customers?), we also remain vigilant about our competitors, who, quite frankly, wish for our downfall. In this hyper-competitive arena, where competitors may resort to underhanded tactics, we must stay sharp, continually scan the broader landscape, keep a watchful eye on our rivals, and adapt swiftly. This approach should enhance our odds of success, although I can envision numerous scenarios where, if they materialize, we'd be in a tight spot. Hopefully, there are more than 1 in 14,000,605 futures where we come out on top. Now, let's get to the heart of the matter. What is our product, and why am I here? Sharing stories just feels great, and I'm eagerly looking forward to addressing any queries you might have. We've built ThinkDiffusion, an advanced AI tool tailored for professionals and anyone keen on unleashing the most potent tool for crafting stunning art. It comes with a learning curve, but the creative possibilities it opens up are truly remarkable. You can witness some of our mind-blowing outputs in the linked animations and images from past Discord announcements (they're nothing short of WOW!). If you've gleaned value from this post, please do pay us a visit and extend your support during our 23rd "launch" here: https://www.producthunt.com/products/thinkdiffusion We're thrilled about the adventures that lie ahead, and we'd love for you to join us on this exciting journey!
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