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  • Innovation vs. Audience Needs: What’s More Crucial?

    Natalia Demianenko
    24 replies
    When launching a new product, what do you think is more important: focusing on groundbreaking innovation or precisely tailoring the product to the needs of your target audience? Do you prioritize coming up with unique features or ensuring that your product directly addresses the specific pain points of your users? I’m curious about your thoughts and experiences!


    Azlan Tariq
    Im on the way to launch my second product but from the first one i experienced that product-market fit is the main thing. If it doesn't bring value or reduce the pain point of your targeted customer, innovation doesnt matter. The customer always looks for the result he will get from the product and not the feature!!
    Natalia Demianenko
    @azlan_tariq Agree, product-market fit is crucial. Without addressing the key pain points, innovation alone won't cut it. Thanks for sharing your experience!
    Alexander William Hawkins
    True, innovation is great but audience needs should drive the product. Gotta nail that product-market fit first. Focus on the end result and value to the customer over just stuffing in features. Build something people actually want and need.
    Natalia Demianenko
    @alexanderwilliamhawkins agree, understanding and meeting audience needs is the foundation. Innovation should enhance that, not overshadow it
    I think balancing innovation and audience needs is key. It’s great to be innovative, but if it doesn’t meet the audience's needs, it might not resonate.
    Natalia Demianenko
    @parker_robert You're right, finding that balance is key. Innovation needs to be in service of solving real problems for the audience
    Nelson Martin
    We definitely need to innovate, but if we don’t consider what the audience actually wants or needs, our efforts might miss the mark.
    Bailey Dotson
    For me, understanding the audience’s needs comes first. Innovation is important, but if it doesn’t solve a real problem, it might not be as impactful.
    Natalia Demianenko
    @bailey_dotson Well said! Solving a real problem should always be the priority, with innovation supporting that goal
    Katerina Dedyulya
    of cource PMF. At YC we were told that you gotta do first things , even by your hands (not website or whatever), to test market, to get to know all problems of your clients. then you scale
    Natalia Demianenko
    @katerina_mirrart Absolutely, starting with a hands-on approach to understand the market is invaluable. Scaling comes naturally after that
    Julia Watson
    Balancing is both is key Innovation can set your product apart, but if it doesn’t address user needs, it won’t gain traction. I focus on solving real problems while incorporating unique features.
    Natalia Demianenko
    @julia_watsonn I like your approach. combining innovation with problem-solving ensures that your product stands out while still being relevant
    Noora Mccluskey
    Audience needs should come first. You can innovate all you want, but if it’s not what your target users are looking for, it’s unlikely to succeed. I always start by deeply understanding user pain points.
    Saturnina Brigante
    I lean towards innovation because it can create new market opportunities. However, I make sure to validate my ideas with potential users to ensure there’s demand for what I’m developing.
    Natalia Demianenko
    @saturnina_brigante I appreciate your perspective on innovation creating new opportunities, as long as there's validation with the audience
    John Brown
    Balancing both is crucial. You need innovation to stand out, but it has to be relevant to what the audience actually wants.
    Natalia Demianenko
    @john_brow_n Yes, striking a balance is essential. Innovation needs to be meaningful and connected to real user needs
    James Chappel
    I think audience needs are fundamental because they drive what kind of innovations will be successful in the market.
    Natalia Demianenko
    @james_chappel Exactly, audience needs guide which innovations will succeed. It’s all about relevance in the market
    Umar Aziz
    I dont say audience needs are key because if you’re not solving a real problem, even the best innovation might not take off.
    Natalia Demianenko
    @umar_aziz_ You're spot on. Without solving a real problem, even the most innovative ideas might struggle to find traction