Indie Hackers or Product Hunt?

Frank Sondors
25 replies
Which platform is better in your opinion and why?


I don't really understand Indie hackers. I tried making a profile, but it won't let me do anything. PH has better UX, so I didn't even try IH after that. Also didn't understand the purpose of indie hackers.
Frank Sondors
@michael_choupak Everybody has their own reasons to hang in those two platforms. For me, it's about connecting with other founders. For you, it may be different.
@franksondors you get involves with other immediately. On the other hand on indie hackers, new users does not know exactly when they account will be promoted
Prem Saini
I came across your story today on Indie Hackers and I must say, it was incredibly motivating. Your story is extraordinary, and it acts as an inspiration to many aspiring entrepreneurs.
Piotr Obidowski
Are you expecting any other answer than PH here 😄 We all love PH and that's why we are here.
Jake Harrison
I enjoy using Product Hunt for two reasons: firstly, its user interface is intuitive and easy to navigate. Secondly, it is welcoming to new users, unlike other platforms that restrict new users from posting. This makes it a great platform for indie hackers looking to share their work.
I think Product Hunt is better to get interactions with people. You rarely get answers to questions or posts on Indie Hackers.
Harshu thaheed
As per my understanding, if you're looking for networking and advice, Indie Hackers might be your choice. But if you want to gain visibility for your product, Product Hunt could be the way to go. It's all about what aligns best with your current objectives.
Yavuz Tunc Emran
PH offers a broader audience, potential partnerships, and user feedback crucial for early-stage startups.
Waqas Khan
I've recently started using PH and so far i like it :P few months ago i've tried to use IH but it was difficult so never used it for my new products launching thinking to use PH currently and launched my brand new product here.
Both, why not? Different use cases but both are good around their own topics.
Tyler Dane
Both great, but I feel like the community on IH is more consistent. I find myself only coming here when I'm close to launching sth 😅 I'm guessing others are probably doing the same, which makes it feel a little more transactional here
What is Indie Hackers? Their landing page didn't give me any idea of what they are
Eva Consuegra
I've tried IH for the past couple of weeks, and I've been active in discussions, I'm unable to submit a post; it's discouraging, to be honest. It's hard to understand how it works, I found this today I would love to hear from active users tips or best practices.