🔥Inbound vs Outbound? What works best for you?

Olena Bomko
17 replies


Frank Sondors
Tumbleweed here today, weirdly - BOTH WORK :) But I prefer outbound. No need to wait for customers to knock on your door when you can knock on their door.
Judith Amarachi 💙
Both work for me. Also depending on the product I'm pushing out at the time However, I prefer inbound mostly because it helps me presell to the client and reduce objections before they come.
Rohan Pathak
outbound in the beginning to get the initial first few customers and get some traction and revenue inbound as soon as you start getting traction so that your lead problem can be solved with an inbound lead machine!
Nick Anisimov
I'm happy with both :)
Richa Sharma
I think it HAS TO be a combination of both. If you're doing your inbound right, outbound gets easier, and vice versa. For example, if your brand is well-marketed, outbound prospecting gets easier since your prospects are familiar with the brand. But if you want to manage both inbound and outbound prospects from a single platform, I'd like to introduce you to Upscale: https://upscale.ai/solution/by-u... https://upscale.ai/solution/by-u...
Jad Sanaknaki
I think you would need to do both - It depends on how you approach your customers too. I tend to follow the feedback route as an outbound method. You can get feedback from the customers but also can open the opportunity to cross or upsell your product.
Lukas deConantsesznak
I think it totally depends on the product. Like for many B2C products, outbound just won't work that well. It will be more about inbound, so that's what I say would work best for me. That being said, I know that in the B2B software space, cold outbound can be hugely important.
Martha Snooper
Both of them does work but Inbound marketing often works best. It focuses on attracting and engaging with an audience through valuable content, fostering genuine connections, and building trust, due to which can lead to longer-lasting customer relationships compared to outbound strategies.
For an early-stage startup like ours, outbound works better than inbound. For late-stage startups, both would.
Ben Russell
For early launchers like us, has to be outbound!
Prema Toppo
The effectiveness depends on the context, so I use a mix of both approaches as needed to achieve the best results.