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  • In your opinion, what’s the most exciting development in AI right now?

    29 replies


    Shokat Ali
    AI's ability to generate human-quality content is mind-blowing.
    Bilal Asif
    Launching soon!
    Right now, the most exciting development in AI is the advancement of generative models, like GPT-4, which can create incredibly realistic text, art, and even code. These breakthroughs are transforming industries by making complex tasks easier and more accessible.
    So many developments happening at an exponential pace, We are in the verge of LLMs have reasoning capabilities, and that would be a game changer
    Unpopular take: I am scared of how dangerous generative models are becoming while creating incredibly realistic deepfakes. Many parts of the world are not ready for what it will do to politics, culture and society as a whole. Seeking truths will become a whole lot harder
    Peter Hansen
    @atik_hossain I tend to agree with you. AI is a reality, and we must embrace it, but are we ready for it and the dangers that come with it, notwithstanding its positive aspects? I doubt it. I see a bias, a bandwagon effect, i.e., we are all likely to think AI is a panacea because everybody else believes so. I'm all for reasonably applied AI, but I'm also skeptical about what it can do and aware of the dangers of misuse. See also this article: https://futurism.com/ai-slowly-k...
    Rock Turner
    I am really excited about the progress in AI for natural language understanding. It’s amazing how AI can now hold more natural and complex conversations.
    Umar Aziz
    The integration of AI with augmented reality is really fascinating. It’s opening up new possibilities for interactive experiences. What do you think will be the most impactful application of this tech?
    Kelly B. Menchaca
    The advancements in AI-generated content are incredible. Seeing how AI can now create realistic images, videos, and even music is just mind-blowing.
    Gaby Korablyova
    One of the most exciting developments in AI right now is generative AI. The ability for models to create new content - whether text, images, music, or even code - is transforming industries like entertainment, design, and software development💡
    mono lim
    The advancements in AI-powered drug discovery are incredibly promising.
    Edward C Scott
    Large language models are transforming how we interact with information.
    Alex Montas
    AI + AR. I am excited about multi model LLMs. Would love to have a virtual fitness coach who can see what I do and react accordingly.
    Gabriel Ryan
    AI assistants is making our lives more comfortable.
    Launching soon!
    @gabriel_ryan2 yes how it comfortable your lives?
    Jacob Henry
    AI applications in climate changes
    Launching soon!
    @jacob_henry2 that's interesting and could you explain it little how it will be?
    Kavya Tripathi
    Chatbots maybe
    Launching soon!
    @kavyaaatripathi Yes I agree with the AI chatbot the lot of tension pressure from mind remove to handle the so many customers in 24/7 is really very challenging before AI chatbot it makes life really very simple which AI chatbot you are using ?
    Zain Ul-abideen
    According to ai it will not harm any human and only help them what can we say but i suggest there should be many 10 buttons almost in entire region in any 2 of them are press ai will stop :) good idea or not btw check out my new site https://proinshots.com
    I am excited about generative AI. These models, such as GPT-4 and its successors, are capable of creating highly realistic and contextually relevant text and images, which is truly remarkable.
    Mia Palmer
    AI is getting really good at helping doctors diagnose diseases and suggest treatments. It’s like having a super-smart assistant for medical care.
    Lily Carter
    Whether it’s movies , music, or products, AI is becoming better at suggesting things you might actually like based on your preferences and past behavior.
    Amy English
    AI mking progress in creating vehicles that can drive themselves, which could make transportation safer and more convenient in the future
    Sadie Howard
    AI is being used to analyze environmental data and develop solutions for reducing carbon footprints, which can help combat climate change.