In your opinion, is Product Hunt more suited for B2B or B2C audience?

Steve Lou
10 replies


Relja Denic
It's more for B2B, but it dosen't mean it can't be a good channel to get the word for B2C also. If I made a B2C product I would for sure also use product hunt to promote it
Steve Lou
@relja_denic I'm currently working on a B2C product and I feel like not many products cater to that vertical. But yes, you're right, it's still probably a good thing to promote your B2C product on PH.
Matthias Mayer
Many B2B startups and tools have gained significant traction on Product Hunt. For B2C products, especially consumer-facing apps, gadgets, or creative content, Product Hunt can also be a valuable platform. It helps generate buzz, build a user base, and gather feedback from early users. Products with a user-friendly and visually appealing interface tend to do well. In summary, Product Hunt is adaptable and can benefit both B2B and B2C audiences. The key is to tailor your approach and messaging to resonate with the specific audience you're targeting and ensure that your product aligns with the interests of the Product Hunt community.
Sagar Patel
I would say more B2B. Since a lot of businesses come here to promote their own products. They in turn get advertised to. So it’s a really good system in that way!
Steve Lou
@sagarpatel10 You're right! Thanks for your insights
Hamdaan Ahmad
Product Hunt is versatile, benefiting both B2B startups and B2C products. It's a platform to create buzz, grow users, and gather feedback. Tailor your approach for the audience and align your product with community interests for success.