In what part of the day you feel yourself more productive?

Ali Naqi Shaheen
20 replies
Some people can work efficiently in the daytime, while others are night owls. For me, I feel myself more productive and can work effectively in the early morning until noon. This is when I come up with new ideas and can actively attend the meetings and handle other stuff. What about you?


Leyla Aliyeva
Well, I'm a morning person. I always rise early. Morning is the best time for me to work and think with a clear and creative mind. And by 5 my battery is getting low :))))
Cem Özçelik
for me, definitely; early morning
Phillip Stemann πŸš€
I'm a morning person. I love my early quiet mornings. It's where I produce the most while feeling the happiest. It's simply incredible!
@phillipstemann Majority of the people are more productive in the morning I guess.
Alex Robinson
I'm usually more productive in the morning, but it really varies depending on what I'm working on. If I'm working on something that requires a lot of concentration, I'll usually do it in the morning when I'm feeling fresh. But if it's something that I can do in shorter bursts, I'll do it throughout the day.
Oscar Wehbe
Definitely the morning. I find myself least productive in the afternoon and then I get an uptick in productivity at night. It helps to work side-by-side with other people in my opinion.
@oscar_wehbe I also feel sleepy at noon after lunch.
Rich Watson
evening or late at night, when less distractions and can easily get more done
@richw So, you are a night owl. πŸ‘
First thing and last thing!
I find that I am most productive first thing in the morning. I find it helpful to work alongside other people. I think most people are more productive in the morning.
Roberto Morais
All morning starting early until lunch. Then I have a new block somewhere near mid afternoon for 1-2 hours. For that reason I usually leave my meetings to the afternoon and do the important work before it. :)
@robertomorais Don't you feel sleepy after lunch?
Roberto Morais
@ali_shaheen I do. I'm usually not that productive after lunch for about 1-2 hours but after that it's fine.
Before 10am and after 10pm - this is when there are no meeting , no distractions, and I can truly work on things that i am passionate about.
@djteknokid Before 10 is my fav as well. There is less hustle & bustle around and a comfy environment to work.