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  • In-house or Outsource?

    Claudio Mendonca
    3 replies
    For building you products, how do you hire design/dev services? Would you have an in-house team or would you outsource these services to an agency? Or would you do a hybrid model, like in-house product team, and outsource marketing-related efforts?


    Outsourcing is kind of big experiment. In-house is I prefer. Or the values should be aligned. For marketing related efforts outsourcing is apt I guess. But still if they're considering it as " just another project" the results should be monitored continuously.
    Shajedul Karim
    tough choice! it's like asking whether to cook at home or order takeout. in-house teams can be great since everyone's on the same page and dedicated to your vision. but it's pricey and takes time to get the right crew. outsourcing can tap you into a pool of pros quick, but it might mean less control and more explaining. hybrid? best of both worlds—you keep a tight squad focused on the core stuff, and bring in outside guns for the rest. my take? start with the core in-house, play the rest by ear. what’s worked for you?
    Claudio Mendonca
    @shajedulkarim_ yep, it's a though one. Outsourcing works really well when you can trust the firm you are outsourcing to. As @romiojoseph mentioned, you need to avoid being considered "just another project". My take on this is that outsourcing will get you results faster, effectively buying you the time to build your in-house team. When you partner with the good firm, your in-house team might be just a few very high-level strategy folks that will be in charge of vision, and professionally communicating things with the outsourced team, which implements stuff.