If your customers request new features, do you implement them for free of for a fee?

Tymek Zapała
9 replies


Sergey Koshevoy
For free but we use it as a hack to sell big Enterprise licenses
Gernot Bernkopf
It depends if it fits to our roadmap and there is a product- respectively feature-market-fit ;) ... if we think that the feature won't work for other customers, it has to be paid, sure.
Faisal Ishaque
That's a nice question. At the moment, we are not at a stage to take customer requests for features directly. We closing the loop currently i.e. Bring users to the website (done), get them to post a job/event (done), get Talent to make an offer on the job/event (done), get the customer to hire/pay (pending). However, a product should provide value to the customers and make money for the stakeholders. If I can get the customers to pay for a feature (strategically), then I'll for sure get them to pay for it.
M Anees
It's depend on the situation. If the hange is align with our product road map and benefits a large no of user, we may consider implementing it :)
Christopher Allen Scott
If it's a small feature that will benefit many users, we usually do it for free to keep customers happy. But for big custom features, we charge extra, especially for enterprise clients. Gotta keep the $$$ flowing, ya know? 💰
Carleigh Griffiths
For me it's depend upon the situation and complexity of feature.
Tymek Zapała
@carleigh_griffiths Yes, complexity of feature is a big factor. Nothing worse than spending a lot of time on feature that will be used by only one user or none at all.