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  • If you were to use an AI-generated music product, would you choose a song with vocals or not?

    Hongyuan Cao
    8 replies
    If you were to use an AI-generated music product, would you choose a song with vocals or not?


    Samuel Evans
    For me, AI-generated music with vocals feels more complete and engaging. The lyrics add an extra emotional layer that instrumental tracks often lack. Plus, it's incredible to hear an AI emulating human singing! That said, I could see preferring non-vocal tracks for certain moods or as background music while working. Curious what others think on this!
    Hongyuan Cao
    and why?
    Bernice Ferguson
    I think I’d go for a song with vocals. They make the music feel more dynamic and expressive.
    Maya Moss
    I’d choose a song with vocals if I had the option. It’s always interesting to hear how AI handles lyrics.
    Jeremy Ellis
    I’m leaning towards songs with vocals. It’s nice to have a bit of storytelling in the music.
    Ivan Chavez
    i d for n instrument al generated vocals still sound bit off to me,but the music can be great
    Nylah Cook
    No vocals for me. I usually use AI music for focus, so instrumental tracks work best.
    Harper Scott
    I’d prefer vocals. If done well, AI can create some interesting and unique vocal arrangements.