If you want to acquire new users for your startup at 0 cost:
Natia Kurdadze
5 replies
1. Go to F5bot .com
2. Set alerts for the keywords of your choice
3. Monitor the topics on Reddit and Hacker News
4. You will get emails on relevant discussions
5. Mention your product under these posts
If you want to get more growth hacks, go here: natiakurdadze.com
Karen Isbell@karen_isbell
Launching soon!
Great idea! The tricky part is working the product mention into conversations in a way that isn’t distracting. Perhaps it could be as simple as a link and tagline in the signature/sign off below a high-quality response.
I love how simple and cost effective this strategy is. It’s a smart way to tap into active discussions without breaking the bank
I’ve seen people recommend similar tactics, but I always worry about crossing the line between helpful and spammy. Any tips on striking that balance?
How do you ensure you don't come across as self promotional when mentioning your product? I’d love to know how you approach that balance. @natiakourdadze
"Great tip! I love how this strategy leverages existing communities like Reddit and Hacker News to engage with users who are already discussing relevant topics. It's a smart way to provide value by joining conversations that align with your product. Monitoring keywords and being proactive without spamming feels like a natural way to introduce your startup to the right audience. Thanks for sharing, I'll definitely give this a try!"