If you had to delete all but 3 apps from your phone, which ones would you keep?

Raphael S.
133 replies


I'd keep books, maps and camera app
Raphael S.
@payam_saremi What books are you currently reading?
@raf_underscore Currently reading "Six Easy Pieces" of Feynman , How about you?
Raphael S.
@payam_saremi Reading the Stephen Fry's "Heroes". I love mythology
Aaron O'Leary
Oh tough one! I'd have to choose Tidal, Shazam and WhatsApp, they are my most used ones. Probably a good idea to get rid of things like TikTok and such at least for a while I guess 😅
Raphael S.
@aaronoleary Was not expecting to see so much Shazam picks, that surprised me 😆
Aaron O'Leary
@raf_underscore Probably my second most used app after Tidal! Can thank it for building a lot of my playlists!
Aliaksandr Kandratsiuk
@aaronoleary @raf_underscore the same to me) I would take +1 app bonus and choose map app
Raphael S.
@aaronoleary @xander_off Yeah, maps are pretty important, don't want to get lost in the wild.
Leyla Aliyeva
I'd keep Telegram, WhatsApp and Shazam:)) the rest I don't even use it....
Raphael S.
@leyla_aliyeva1 Same here, I have over 50+ unused apps just taking up space in my phone.
Neha Dadhich
Other than the system and already provided apps, I have 3 apps only (which are very important for me) due to storage issues. Feeling happy that even having storage issues and less amount of apps can also be sometimes a good situation.
Raphael S.
@neha_dadhich Yes I agree, most phones nowadays comes preloaded with apps that will never be used. It would be nice to just have the essentials.
Florian Hidayat
haha, this is such a thought-provoking question. As long as we kept a browser we can still access most of our other apps though.
Raphael S.
@florian_pranata_hidayat Haha, this is an example of thinking outside the box. 😎
Sushil Sharma
A tough decision but I will keep Gmail, Slack, and Whatsapp.
Maksym Astakhov
Telegram Monobank AirAlert
Raphael S.
@maksym_astakhov What's AirAlert? I've never heard of it.
Maksym Astakhov
@raf_underscore it alerts Ukraine civilians about Russian air strike with missiles and it saves my life as i'm running underground:( Hope you will never install it.
Raphael S.
@maksym_astakhov I wish you all the best, my prayers go out to you 🙏
Whatsapp, youtube and snapchat
Raphael S.
@divya14 I don't know what I would do without Youtube 😆
Brenna Donoghue
Ooooh that's tough. Whatsapp Gmail Strava
Raphael S.
@brenna_donoghue Strava is a unique pick, do you mainly use it for cycling?
Brenna Donoghue
@raf_underscore What can I say... I'm addicted?! They are brilliant at what they do. I mostly use it for running and swimming, but also for staying connected with my community of people who like to do similar things.
Raphael S.
@brenna_donoghue Interesting, I'll definitely check it out again. 🔥
Evgeniy Yakubovskiy
@raf_underscore I can live by listening to the radio 😆 But I can't imagine my life without messengers and gmail 😎
spotify whatsapp chrome
Raphael S.
@neicore These are probably my go to three
WhatsApp, Twitterrific and Safari (is this cheating, heh heh?)
Raphael S.
@fy_l No cheating, everything is legal 😎
Johannes Meyer
Instagram, Spotify and Whatsapp. Gotta listen to music whilst connecting with the world.
Raphael S.
@johannes_meyer1 What sort of music do you listen to?
Johannes Meyer
@raf_underscore from electronic to hiphop to jazz - anything. What about you?
Rich Watson
Webull, Discord, Chase, Gmail, and maybe YouTube
Raphael S.
@richw What's Webull and Chase if you don't mind me asking?
Rich Watson
@raf_underscore Webull is my brokerage for trading stocks. Chase is my banking app 😂😂
Katya Veremeichik
intereting question! I think It'd be camera, a browser and a messenger (probably whatsapp)
Raphael S.
@katyaveremeichik This is pretty much everything you need. Good choices!
Aline Utiyama
I would keep WhatsApp, Slack and Story Park(Can't miss seeing the pictures of my son's activities at school every day, it's super cute)😄🥰👶.
Launching soon!
If I have to keep only three, I will keep WhatsApp, My banking App & Chrome.
Aliaksandr Kandratsiuk
it is really challenge to choose 3 apps but I would keep using one frequently used messenger, podcast app and banking app.
Raphael S.
@xander_off Do you have any podcast recommendations?
Aliaksandr Kandratsiuk
@raf_underscore Sure, i follow "Agile mentors podcast", "The project management podcast", "Make sense" (just from the top of my head)
Raphael S.
@xander_off I'll check them out. Thanks you 🔥