If you could live in any fictional world, where would it be?

Ena Gluhakovic
4 replies
My choice would be the land of Middle-earth from J.R.R. Tolkien's works. As someone who loves music and the arts, I would be drawn to the Elven realms, especially Rivendell. Imagine being surrounded by breathtaking landscapes, timeless architecture, and a rich culture that deeply values music, poetry, and artistry. The harmonious and serene environment would be a perfect place to find inspiration and create beautiful works of art and music.


My3 Murthy
SAME! I would definitely fit into the hobbit community quite comfortably!
Gurkaran Singh
If I could take a byte out of any fictional world, I'd pick the wizarding world of Harry Potter—imagine brewing potions, casting spells, and having a chat with Dumbledore over tea!
Ena Gluhakovic
@thestarkster Which Hogwarts house would you choose?