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  • If you could learn & master any one skill in a day, what would it be?

    Barış Bingöl
    75 replies
    I think the question is a very straightforward but a tricky one! You are given the ability learn and master ANY skill in the span of day. The logistics don't matter, it will be done. Which skill do you choose?


    Barış Bingöl
    @lolatesla I would've loved to learn this in a day and never have to deal with it haha! I like math in general, but Discrete Maths is where I've drawn the line in the past...
    Aaron O'Leary
    It would have to be guitar
    Aaron O'Leary
    @baris_bingol I play drums and piano but always wanted to learn guitar, but never fully grasped it
    Barış Bingöl
    @aaronoleary awesome, do you play as well or just looking to learn?
    Barış Bingöl
    @aaronoleary Awesome, and I always wished I was better at drums haha. If you can play the drums tho, I believe you can transition into guitar quite naturally, just think of the low strings as the kick and snare drums, and the high strings as cymbals, hi-hat, etc.! I heard that this was how Dave Grohl learned guitar as well.
    Debajit Sarkar
    Learning Techniques. Learning techniques using which no matter what my skill levels in topics I would like to master, I can change my thinking and consequently, change my life.
    Barış Bingöl
    @dsarkar The winner's choice! If you are interested in learning as a topic, we have a free app called Further which you might enjoy. It's a former #1 product of the day, we'll also be launching it's new version soon!
    Stefani Sparysheva
    Have seen a similar question earlier on PH, though will duplicate my answer. I would definitely choose a skill to master any skill in a day 😀
    Barış Bingöl
    @stefaniya_sparysheva I was just made aware of this as well! I asked it on our YouTube channel about 4 months ago and was curious to see what PH would think!
    Ash Rom
    art of seduction, duh
    Barış Bingöl
    @ashley_e_romano an unusual choice of skill, appreciate the unique approach 😆
    Aleyna Çatak
    The Ultimate Skill Extractor by Further
    Time management... 🫠
    Indu Thangamuthu
    @baris_bingol Skill to pass all Visa Interviews in first attempt😅
    Barış Bingöl
    @bijal_dave as a marketer, I have no idea how people have the patience for sales haha, would be amazing to learn it!
    Software Nerd
    Commodities Analysis & Trading
    Philip Snyder
    Delphi — Digital Clone Studio
    Delphi — Digital Clone Studio
    AI - definitely master some hard engineering skill rather than a soft skill
    Barış Bingöl
    @philipsnyder You would either be superhero or a supervillain in the making, haha!
    Kevin O'Connell
    The ability to learn and master 2 skills a day. 🤣
    Barış Bingöl
    @kevin_o_connell5 Ahahahah, to be honest I'm surprised you were the first with this answer! The classic genie bamboozle!
    Sveta Bay
    Slogan Generator
    Slogan Generator
    You can find some more answers in the same discussion from me 🙃 https://www.producthunt.com/disc...
    Barış Bingöl
    @basv this was a questions I asked on our YouTube channel a few months back as well, interesting to see someone else was thinking about it! It should be down here: https://www.youtube.com/@Further...
    Harshavardhan Reddy
    @baris_bingol i can do grilling...just need to master it.. hehehe
    Barış Bingöl
    @harsha_vardhan01 amazing answer haha! I would love to see what you would cook 😁
    Pooja Lahoti
    @harsha_vardhan01 and I would like to taste. hahaha 😆
    Satish Kumar Veluri
    The skill to unlearn and learn
    Satish Kumar Veluri
    @harsha_vardhan01 LOL, neither can I. That's is the reason I mentioned it if I'm given the ability😂
    Barış Bingöl
    @satish_kumar_veluri I always think of learning when this question comes up, but I never thought of unlearning something! May I ask your reasoning behind it?
    Barış Bingöl
    @satish_kumar_veluri @harsha_vardhan01 That is the point of the question haha, if only it was possible...
    Barış Bingöl
    @harsha_vardhan01 @satish_kumar_veluri it was good choice! If you are interested in improving your learning skills, we have a free app called Further which you might enjoy. It's a former #1 product of the day, we'll also be launching it's new version soon!
    Nikolas Dimitroulakis
    ApyHub : The All in one API Platform
    ApyHub : The All in one API Platform
    piano definitely
    Barış Bingöl
    @nikolas_dimitroulakis this. Piano is the one instrument I always keep coming back to to learn but always drop it after a few weeks. This reminded me to get back into it, thanks!
    Lara Tankal
    Well, I have to say coding for sure. I've made numerous efforts so far but it would be so much more convenient to learn it in a single day.
    Barış Bingöl
    @lara_tankal Coding is probably the only skill I have never put my toe in, it always seems daunting.
    Martin Moravek
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    Patience. And I am still working on it.
    Barış Bingöl
    @minimalistphone Anyone who isn't working on it, lacks it! Wishing you the best.
    Martin Moravek
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @baris_bingol Thanks. I will need it. :-D
    Antonio Essex-Lettieri
    Speed reading. So that I can learn more skills.
    Barış Bingöl
    @alettieri We were given a class of speed reading for a year in middle school. To this day, it is still one of the most useful things school has thought me.
    Antonio Essex-Lettieri
    @baris_bingol that's pretty cool, my middleschool self would not have taken that class by choice, but my current self wishes my middleschool self did.
    Definitely discipline and awareness, with these skills it is very easy to master all the others
    Shivani Gupta
    Congrats on the launch today 🚀
    Barış Bingöl
    @shivani_gupta15 Thanks Shivani, but we have not launched today 😁, soon tho. 👀