If you could have any superpower, what would you choose?

Sunny Kumar
37 replies
I would choose invisibility.


I would like to be able to teleport, like in the movie "teleport" πŸ±β€πŸπŸ±β€πŸ
Inderpreet Singh
I would choose to read other people's mind.
Definitely being able to teleport across time.
Stopping time would be the best.
Charlotte Chiang
Time travel, all the way! So many memories I would love to re-live or regrets I would try to rectify.
Zain Sheikh
For today, Just becoming a product of the day. We are live with ChatDox. https://shorturl.at/dIX45
Antoni Kozelski
I will choose to read people's mindsπŸ™ƒ
Kate Santoro
I'd probably want the ability to teleport, so I could travel anywhere I want to without having to pay airfare or contribute to air pollution. :)
Batman superpower: RICH!!!
The ability to get more done in less time. Unlimited focus and discipline.
Be able to open a portal to the place I want to go to, cause I love travelling 🌍
Rituparna Ghosh
The ability to comprehend and learn instantly.
I would choose to generate designs in an instant as a superpower or maybe I can use Sivi.ai
Orysia Khimiak
Right now, I mean in the era of scrolling - staying focused at least for 30 minutes sounds like a superpower to me ^_^
Lord Brian Dean-Madanamootoo
It might be weird, but I've always wanted to have the superpower to Talk in all the languages of the world. Whoever I meet, I would just be able to communicate with them in their native language.
Konok Nazmul
Personally, I would choose the ability to manipulate time. Think of the endless possibilities and the impact it could have on our world. Time is the most valuable resource we have, and having control over it would be a game-changer.
Hassan Muazzam
I want to read people's hearts because I want to know people's thoughts.
teleport so I can save some flight tickets :)
Mark Pavlyukovskyy
I would choose the ability to teleport, as it would provide endless possibilities for exploration and efficiency in travel.
Janusz Mirowski
Speeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed XD