If you could go on a spontaneous trip right now, where would you go?

Miko Markovic
8 replies
I'm thinking The Algarve, Portugal. You?


Ermina Pezerović
Liverpool because or its rich cultural heritage, vibrant music scene, and historic landmarks.
Ena Gluhakovic
If I could dash off on a whim, I'd zip straight to Ireland faster than a leprechaun chasing his pot of gold! I see it as the perfect spot for a spontaneous shenanigan-filled adventure! 🍀🍀
Azra Memisevic
Great choice with Portugal! I'd love to visit too, but my pick would be Madeira.
Julia Engelsmann
I would go to Lisboa, I just love the city!
This season is definitely the best time to visit Bali.
Gurkaran Singh
I'd jet off to Tokyo for some sushi and futuristic gadget shopping! What about you, ready to surf the tech wave in The Algarve, Portugal?