Ideas to reach Engineering Managers
Kiran Kanakadandi (
8 replies
We're building an Employee Retention SaaS product and want to know good ways to reach Engineering Managers, preferably at tech startups in the US with <200 people (since impact of losing employees is highest in growing companies). We want EMs to try our product and give us feedback. We tried other paths -- CXOs, HR -- and failed. CXOs care about the cost, but are too busy to schedule a pilot. HR are facilitators more than owners of attrition -- they're not accountable. Engg. Managers are the ones who pay the price and our product is designed to help them with retention. Any ideas on how we can reach them? Any community they hang out on? Unless we're missing something big, devs have communities and then product people -- EMs, not so obvious.
PS: Our approach is not a bot or a survey tool. Check out
Everett Berry@everett_berry
HN has a lot of engineering managers. Also twitter.
@everett_berry -- thanks Everett! I'm not active on HN, and that means that my ShowHNs get drowned almost instantly -- but I agree, that is one community to be active in.
Engineering Twitter is something I haven't explored at all, nor considered -- the place seems sooooo full of overflowing, pushy startup/hustle wisdom that I didn't realise there could be engineering folks there. Will definitely check.
And here is one I discovered that you might find interesting:
Thanks much Everett!
Have you thought about marketing through LinkedIn?
@maxwellcdavis -- I have thought about LinkedIn and began posting posts/articles there, but haven't yet explored paid marketing. Lot of my content will make a lot of sense for EMs, but there's only so many in my own network in my target market segment.
@maxwellcdavis -- indeed; I've been adding folks to my network, which I'd kept exclusive for the longest time, to folks I personally knew. LinkedIn as a B2B platform is brilliant.
Will look out for any engineering centric events. Thanks Maxwell!
Hi, I used LinkedIn as my marketing promotion; it helped me initially. LinkedIn is a social network for business communication, employee search, and open vacancies. After reviewing the fully paid marketing on LinkedIn, I started to publish posts/articles of my marketing . LinkedIn as a B2B platform is beautiful and easy to use. But you should think carefully and think through all the points of expanding your network. At the moment, it's easier because of remote events.