I work as Product Manager in a big company. I am about now to launch my own startup.

Tommaso Pozzali
4 replies
Still not sure if to go with a no-code, or code solution. The application is very basic, but I see several Use Cases that could allow me to go in a future to a more complex product. What would be your approach? thanks in advance


Dzmitry Tsemirau
I'd first try to create an MVP using no-code or low-code to validate the idea. If the idea is valid, you'll quickly find that no-code or low-code tools are too expensive. Then, you'll need to code.
Ashley from Shadow
Wow first congrats on having the courage to live out this thought! Second I would say no-code if time is your concern and fees aren’t, and vice versa.
As PM, i can imagine you already validated the problem to solve with people. So then, i would do : Identify the MAIN PAIN POINT and use case case to solve. Build a MVP in no code with 1 feature to solve it. Launch and distribute. See if there is traction if so, move to a "scalable" app with hard code. and start bulding up.
I went the no-code route. This allows me to teach others and scale, not to mention no-code platforms like Webflow allow for the creativity, scalability, and speed. Just know what you want to pursue from a niche and model perspective. Hope this helps!