I went viral 30+ times on LinkedIn. Here's what you should know.

Olena Bomko
67 replies
1. There are 2 types of virality: - Viral posts that bring a lot of new followers + 0 customers. - Viral posts that bring followers + customers. If you want #2, your posts should be very relevant to your business. 2. Any format can go viral. Some formats have more potential. Useful infographics, free templates, practical thought leadership, carousels with examples, memes, and funny videos are the most popular right now. 3. You can't control virality. Based on my experience, I can tell you whether a post has the potential to go viral or not. But virality depends on too many factors. Nobody can say 100%. 4. You can grow your audience and be profitable without virality. 5. Virality is a byproduct of consistency and analyzing what works/ what doesn't. 6. No need to respond to all comments under viral posts. 7. The same post can go viral and get 10 likes. 8. I love viral posts because I can stop posting and rest :) 9. Most times, the next post (after your viral post) gets low engagement.


Good to know expert. I was waiting till my new community member tag was removed. Olena.
Prem Saini
Thank you for the insights Orlena!
Marilena Nikou
as always amazing post and great info! hopefully my posts will become viral one day!
Absolutely! Infographics, templates, and funny videos are like the holy trinity of viral content. They have the power to grab people's attention and keep them hooked. It's like hitting the jackpot in the world of online engagement. Thanks for pointing that out!
Jake Harrison
Thanks, and really expect your guide come out
Relja Denic
Awesome insights!
Richard Rubenstein
All good points Olena. Id add in some strong commeting for additional conversations within the same posts works really well in the algo's eyes!
Nitin Joshi
Wow! That is an ocean of knowledge. Thank you for sharing. I am currently struggling to get followers.
Olena Bomko
@nitin_joshi My pleasure :) I'll launch my LinkedIn Inbound Playbook next week: https://www.producthunt.com/prod...
Soner Alemdar
uhh, I just celebrated my 2nd! 30 is a huge success
Cedric Mathias
I think viral post with new followers and customer is what we really want in order to grow, Thank you for this post
Good to learn from you. After getting viral, how did you "convert" your audience or what was the purpose of getting viral?
Olena Bomko
@msmello New potential customers reached out to me (I work with tech founders on marketing/growth) + new sales (I sell digital products). + I have connection requests from a lot of tech founders. So they can be my clients in the future.
Neder Ghadhab
Thanks for the insights @olenabomko 🙏
Dave-Anthony Smith
Good point, going viral most times doesn't equate to earnings. A profitable business can be built with a very small audience, you just need to connect and talk to the right people.
Evgeny Kotelevskiy
Based on how I see your LinkedIn feed, I had an impression that your posts went viral 100+ times. My post went viral only once, and I totally agree with most of the points you mentioned.
Rohan Pathak
viral posts give you the attention required but you still need some kind of system to convert them into customers and funnel them into your product ecosystem that is where I think email marketing is a good channel to explore because it helps you with the middle of funnel content
Gaurav Sharma
Thanks for sharing Olena, this is very informative. You are quite prolific on LinkedIn, it would be great to know a bit more about your content creation process and pipeline!
Pam K.
What was your viral post about Olena?
Pam K.
@olenabomko Care to share a link to one of them?
Thanks for your great points Olena so how many views is considered viral on LinkedIn?
Matt Caine
Thanks for tips Olena. Just curious... how long you were active before you went viral?