I started a social site for the programmer

altaf s.
6 replies
where programmers can earn money by sharing their projects. please give me feedback, my site - hypebot.org


Manab Boruah
Hi @altaf_s_ the current website is very clean and minimal. You can use more elements. Maybe add a video that will increase engagement on website and help visitors understand what the website is all about. All the best!
Sandra Djajic
Hunted Space
Hunted Space
Launching soon!
It looks like it has a great potential. I would change the colour palette and also check grammar :) Good luck!
Uma Venugopal
UI can be greatly improved with a more neutral to minimal color palette for brand and would love more details on how one can earn in the landing page :) Good job though, this looks like it has potential!
NoNext for YouTube
NoNext for YouTube
Can you check the title of the website again? I can only see the letter 'e' for some reason.
Simon Vecoli
Cool ! One thing I would recommend is making sure the interface is uncluttered and simple to use for developers. You might also include some examples of past accomplishments to emphasize the advantages.