I reached 28K on LinkedIn. 0 cold messages. That's what you should do:

Olena Bomko
78 replies
1. Define your positioning. 2. Optimize your profile. 3. Send connection requests without pitches. Accept connection requests. 4. Comment on others' content (VERY IMPORTANT). 5. Post content. If your current posts don't get enough attention, do #1-4 and try to change the format of your posts. Try free templates, infographics, or entertaining content. 6. Respond to thoughtful DMs. 7. Create intersections between other channels. - If you already have an audience on Twitter, invite them to connect with you on LinkedIn. - Share your link on Product Hunt/other channels. - Visit podcasts and mention that you're active on LinkedIn. My LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/olen... My LinkedIn Playbook: https://olenabomko.gumroad.com/l...


Sergei Rednev
Wow, that's really helpful for beginner like me! Thank you!
Adrian M. Peticila 🟑
I live the same life, and have the exact same experience with LinkedIn. I'm not at 28k, yet :), but keeping it simple, without fancy DMs, being active in sending out connection requests and accepting the incoming ones have my my main growth reasons as well.
Dariush Abbasi
Awesome tips. Thank you
That's an impressive achievement! I'd love to know more about how you defined your positioning and optimized your profile on LinkedIn. Any specific tips or resources you can share? Also, have you found any particular strategies that have worked well for creating intersections between LinkedIn and other channels? Thanks in advance for your insights!
Eugene Yarovoii
Super inspiring! Thanks for your tips :)
Kostya Bolshukhin
Impressive! Regarding the 3rd: I did experiments, sending connections with or without messages. Conversion was 2-3 times higher with notes β€” up to 40% versus 10-15% without. Did you experiment with both? Are numbers comparable?
Olena Bomko
@kostyabolsh I send all requests without notes. But I appreciate with people include *useful* notes.
Kostya Bolshukhin
@olenabomko, there is a format that scares me to death Inmail with A4 amount of text. Received one today, almost made me cry
Iuliia Shnai
Love your content and consistency!
Matej Cabadaj
Really great tips, thanks a lot for sharing Olena!
Rihab Zaidi
I will emphasize point 5. There's nothing attractive about a dead account where its recent activity goes to a year ago! Comment, start a newsletter, or report interesting content, just don't go radio silence for long in there.
Great achievements, Olena!!! And as always, very precise and to-the-point advice!!
Olena, you're dropping LinkedIn wisdom like it's hot! Positioning on point, optimization game strong. Your playbook is like the superhero handbook for LinkedIn success. Commenting, connecting, and creating intersections-masterful moves! Kudos on hitting 28K without a single cold message.
Basil B Thoppil
Consistency is the key :-) Thanks for bringing up how important and effective commenting is. Congratulations Olena. πŸ”₯πŸ”₯
Sourav Maji
great insights thanks for sharing this tips
Amelia Charlie
Thats really helpfull for me
Hi Olena, thanks for sharing your strategy to hit 28K on LinkedIn with zero cold messages. Your steps are solid and practical.
This is good feedback!
Bayazid Malikov
Great suggestions Olena! How long did it take you to get here?
Samantha Ealy
Awesome achievement, Olena! And I love that you put a playbook together! Definitely going to check it out.
I’ve just started getting into LinkedIn and being active. Wow 28k that’s crazy!! Congrats