I’m Emmanuel, maker of GeneratedBy.com (AI Prompts SaaS) / CMO / Ask me anything !

Emmanuel Obiol
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Hello everyone! πŸ‘‹ Recently, I co-founded GeneratedBy.com to simplify and optimize the use of generative AI (GPT 3.5, GPT4, ...). 🎯 Our aim is to make the use of generative AI more accessible for all digital professions. With GeneratedBy.com, you can: πŸ“š Free access to a library of AI prompts for direct use ✍️ Create, test, store, share and optimize your prompts on our editor (with GPT4 for the moment) ✨ Automatically generate the perfect prompt "The Perfect Prompt" πŸ”„ Integrate variables into your prompts (single value, list of values, prompt, file, URL) πŸ“± Generate Prompt Based Applications easily and instantly πŸ‘₯To date, we have over 150 beta-testers. I'll be launching my SaaS on Product Hunt on Tuesday May 30. πŸš€πŸ—“οΈ I'm delighted to be joining the Product Hunt community. πŸŽ‰ It will be an opportunity to share with you what my team and I have been able to implement. We really hope to get your opinions and feedback, as we're looking for beta testers. So, if you have any questions about the GeneratedBy project, I'm here to answer them.🀝 Thanks again for your warm welcome! πŸ˜ŠπŸ™ Emmanuel Obiol / CMO @ Generatedby.com
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