I'm Ankur, Co-founder of Memejourney. Ask me anything(AMA)!

Ankur Singh
10 replies
We are going live with Memejourney https://www.producthunt.com/prod... today. Memejourney: Turn text into memes powered by ChatGPT Let's chat about all things community, AI, ChatGPT, product development, growth and beyond. I am here to answer any and all of your questions. So fire away!


Pranab Buragohain
Good stuff! All the very best, Ankur!
Vadim Voronovskiy
Hello Ankur. Wish you good luck. What was the biggest challenge on your way to launch? And I would like to invite you to Solcial to have an AMA with our community to talk about your product. What do you think?
Ankur Singh
@vadim_voronovskiy1 Happy to do a talk with your community!! I think working on the final release was a challenge due to the time constraints.
Thomas Boulesteix
Hi Ankur, congratulations on the launch of Memejourney! What helped you stay motivated and power through your journey?
Radhakrishnan KG
This is great!! Wish you the very best!!
Ayush Agrawal
I believe you must have seen supermeme.ai ? They are doing a pretty good job. Are you building a competitor (which is definitely needed btw) or have a solid differentiator ? Would love to learn about it, it's a superb problem I have fallen in love with a year back but didn't pursue