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  • I just made my first promotional video for a product: roast me!

    Gabriele Mazzola 🧭
    51 replies
    Hey all, like I said in the title, my team and I just made a promotional video for Touring, a product that we will be launching over the next weeks. We've never done anything like that before, so I would love to get some feedback and hear from you guys. Especially: - do you find it interesting? why / why not? - is there something you would like to change? - do you get a glimpse of what Touring actually does? https://youtu.be/OOyCfePd2V8 I hope you find it interesting! And feel free to follow it on PH if you want to be updated for the launch: https://www.producthunt.com/products/touring Thank you so much!


    Jahnmary Diaz
    Hi, I really like your video I'm not an expert but it looks very good to be your firts in order to answer your questions, I found it interesting, if I have to change something I guess is a little long, yes I understood in a very discrete way what toring does . I just made a few videos for my product I have no experience whatsoever, I really appreciate if you can give me your feedback https://youtu.be/EpJBYtXGvdI Thanks!
    @jahnmary_diaz Hi! thank you so much for the feedback! Our goal was to be within the minute, but I understand it might feel a little long, time is precious these days :P Looking at the videos, a few comments: - I like the pace, it conveys the message immediately and it goes to the point - Is it an AI-generated voice? In my opinion, always worth to pay a voice over artist (we did with Fiverr, and it's very cheap... something like 20 dollars for 150 words) because I tend to lose interest when I watch a video with an AI voice. Anyway, if you want to keep the ai voice, I found the best tool to be lovo.ai (they have a free plan, perhaps you might want to try it out) - I like the colors, and funny how similar our two color palettes are :D I guess it's good we're not going to be competitors haha :P - perhaps it's just missing a few seconds explaining how the product actually works Hope these comments help! And also, I'd be super happy if you hit the "notify" button on our teaser page, but only if you are interested in Touring and want to know when you can actually try it out! (it will be just a couple of weeks!)
    Jahnmary Diaz
    @gabriele_mazzola thank you so much for your feed back, and yes we are using ai voices this was a choice of my boss we're trying to do the campaing using ai as much as possible and trying to invest the less amount of money possible, I'll try lovo.ai (thank you for that) and getting back to your video even time is precious, people loose atention pretty fast it seems that we have to send the menssage in the shot time possible otherwise we loose the attention, I'll love to try touring but I don't travel much :(
    P.S. I believe in unfiltered feedback, so no need to be excessively polite, just be honest!
    @gabriele_mazzola Cool product! Let's support each other. Does the product support multiple language?
    @derrick_law The product itself will support ANY language. This is because it relies on generative AI and TTS to produce audio content, so we're not limited to any specific language!
    @derrick_law Just updated the copy of the teaser to convey the message immediately, thank you for the useful comment!
    Xavier JJ
    Did you film the footages yourself? And also the video is abit long. The beginning is really engaging
    @dailyfitnessai Hi, thanks for the feedback! No, we didn't film the footage. We used stock videos that you can use by paying a subscription to the marketplace. I agree the video might be a bit long, but our goal was to stay within the minute. If you had to cut it down, what would you sacrifice? perhaps we could edit and also have a short version. Thanks again for the feedback!
    Xavier JJ
    @gabriele_mazzola Maybe it feels long because it is abit monotonous, maybe add some subtitles and effects?
    Anthony Sellitto
    @dailyfitnessai @gabriele_mazzola Most social media site posts you'll want to cut this down to 15-30 seconds.. some will limit 15sec
    @ax3com definitely agree, this was not meant for social media, but we are thinking about editing also a short version of it!
    Dariana Glava
    HI Gabriele! I actually don't feel like the video is too long. I would just make it a bit faster and explain more about how you interact with this AI, what kind of things it offers, etc. If I imagine I'm someone who is not much aware of the capabilities of AI, I'd like more details:) Overall, love the idea! I'd also appreciate the support on our launch - we're launching tom!
    @dariana_glava Hi Dariana, thank you so much for the feedback! The idea for this video was to give the general idea of what Touring does (walk around and get real-time personalized explanations of what is around you) without diving too much into details, because it was meant to be catchy. We're actually in the process of crafting a more technical video that explains all the features that are listed in the landing page (touringapp.eu) as well, like you suggested! Please, if you find it interesting, make sure to hit the "notify" button in the teaser, so you'll be notified in a few weeks about the release of the playground online that will let you try out all the features without moving from home! I will definitely follow your profile and the "tom" product, and will support you on your launch!
    Hi! Nice video! 👍 Maybe I would keep logo on the screen for a bit longer and add some shadow to make it pop (like on 0:16 it almost dissolves in the girls' hair). I would also make the video a bit shorter. I like the music though, and the transition in the part where the girl puts headphones on. Good luck!
    @annitahzl Hi Annitah, thank you so much for the feedback! Great tip for the logo, you're right! I'll definitely change that! And great that you noticed the effect of the headphones! I actually put quite some time into finding the right effect (reverse bass drop) and to time it with the video, I was inspired by the effects that Nolan uses in his incredible movies! Thank you so much for the valuable feedback, and make sure to hit the "notify" button if you think Touring might be interesting for you, I hope so :P
    @gabriele_mazzola Yeah - this "Nolan effect" really makes the video stand out. I hit the "notify" button 👌
    K John
    you have a great work 💥
    Leon Novački
    I like the video very much. Maybe I'd change the footage when "Julia" is listening to Touring. She is smilling a bit too excessively, it doesn't look like someone listening to a guide. I haven't noticed it on my first watch, so it might be me trying to find a fault in the video instead of something being wrong with it. I'd also finish the video with the speaker saying "Touring" one last time.
    @leon_novacki Hi Leon! Thank you so much for the valuable feedback, it really means a lot for us! I agree with you on the fact the she is smiling a bit too much (like also people in cocacola ads do, sometimes haha) but I've searched for hours and hours for stock footage that could fit better and this was the best I found :( Thank you again!
    Tornike Tsiramua
    Gabriele well done, may I ask for some tips? Let's connect on linkedin - Tornike Tsiramuaa.
    @tornike_tsiramua1 definitely! Feel free to add me and I’ll accept the connection tomorrow (it’s late evening in Italy and I am about to log off haha). My linkedin is in my PH profile!
    Gaurav Sharma
    Hey cool video. Maybe it could be shortened a bit, also the zoom in on the shots in the beginning is a bit strong, the shot changes and a strong zoom in begins and I found it difficult to quickly adapt (or maybe I'm tired!). What software did you use to make the video, btw. We are working on a web based video editor ourselves and love to have you try it!
    Tyler Loyd
    Wow its nice for someone who made it first time.
    Rami - Browsingbuddies.com
    it's about as good as i'd expect.
    Anthony Sellitto
    While user is in transit and no information want to partner to for them access our indie music site? Also we are looking for sponsors for jingle ad server.
    @ax3com definitely something we might want to look at, can you point us towards your product?
    Tatyane Soroudi
    @gabriele_mazzola Great job! I found the video to be captivating and informative, but the pacing, especially during the pauses between "words," felt a bit slow. Each moment should be carefully designed to either entertain through visuals or educate effectively. It would also be beneficial to delve into some practical advantages of the app, such as how content is curated and whether there is a community aspect. Your emphasis on emotional benefits is impressive. A few adjustments, and you'll be on the right track.
    @tatyanesoro wow, Tatyane, your feedback is great!! Thank you so much for taking the time, it really helps!!! I agree with everything you’ve said, and we’ll definitely take it into account in our next iteration! Thanks again, and please do support us by clicking the notify button if you think Touring should make it into the real world 😇
    André J
    I would get to the point faster. Start with a hock.
    @sentry_co thanks for the feedback! Any suggestion on a catchy hook?
    André J
    @gabriele_mazzola Ask and you shall receive: "Are you tired of the hassle of planning your travel itinerary? Touring is here to revolutionize the way we travel!"
    Studio R+SD
    Video is clear – under 60-secs is the magic mark, but agree the pacing feels slightly slow. At 0:19 – "get stories tailored to your interests", what type of stories are these? And is "stories" the most accurate word to describe it (not knowing fully what the feature itself is, may give the impression it's a storytelling app around the city, similar to https://runningstories.app/) The last bit did leave me curious enough without audio examples of what the AI could do. Works nicely to prompt me to learn more at the URL. Overall, did feel curious to learn more about the app. Nice one for a first-time edit, lol 😁
    @studio_rsd thank you SO much for the constructive feedback. Happy to hear that it got you curious! I was thinking of adding at the end (when the Touring logo comes out on a black screen) some mockup of the app in the background and something like “find out more and try it at touringapp.eu “ Do you think is a good idea?
    Studio R+SD
    @gabriele_mazzola Personally would lean towards not in a teaser video – unless the app's UI, & animation for the video looks catchy (totally subjective). The current storytell promise of AI tourguide, ending with a logo (+ URL, App/Play Store download whatnot) leaves the possibilities to the viewers imagination.
    Disrupt Motion
    Hello Gabriele are you still looking for help with videos, I’ve checked them we can definitely improve the editing and script to make them more captivating to attract customers for touring. Let’s chat! Let’s connect