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  • I just finished 100m leads by Alex Hormozi (my biggest takeaway)

    Jordan Ostrikoff
    3 replies
    AUG 22 2023 I finished reading Alex Hormozis's new book 100m Leads. I'm a huge Alex Hormozi fan so I have been counting the days until the book launch. As soon as the e-book went live I bought it and finished it within 2 days. One of the biggest takeaways I had was the POWER of the lead magnet. Let me explain... Getting leads is one thing. hat we want is ENGAGED leads who want to buy our product or service. The more engaged leads we have the higher our revenue will be. What's the fastest way to get engaged leads? ... Give away something people would usually pay for, for free. The more valuable your free stuff, the more people will buy your paid stuff. This plays on a psychological trigger called the law of reciprocity. It states that the more you have received from someone the more they want to give you in return. That's the psychology behind the lead magnet. If you want to create a lead magnet to attract more engaged leads and increase your monthly revenue. I wrote down the **7-step checklist** from the book... "I don’t do drugs I am drugs" - Salvador Dali. 7 steps to creating a lead magnet: 0 if you want more leads, make a good lead magnet. 1 figure out the problem you want to solve for the right customer. 2 figure out how you want to solve it. - diagnosis or find their problem. (example: diagnosing your website and finding out that it could be 50% faster). - full free access to your offer or solution for a limited amount of time (free trials are a great example). - step 1 of your X-step process (example: chiropractors giving out free massages.) 3 figure out how you want to deliver it. - software (giving a free piece of software that solves a specific problem). - information (courses and videos). - services (doing free work). - physical products. 4 make the name interesting and clear (this part is important. David Ogilvy the GOAT of advertising said 80% of your ad budget is spent on the headline.) 5 make it easy to consume. 6 make it really good. 7 tell them what to do next and why it's a good idea and do it frequently. That's it, pretty straightforward. I followed these steps to create my new lead magnet. Before I was offering my paid email marketing services. Now I offer to write and design welcome emails for free. And as a bonus, I do the whole onboarding sequence that converts free trials into paying users. Normally this is a pricey offer. But I expect it will get me more Engaged leads that will turn into paying customers. Increasing revenue in the long run. TLDR; make your lead magnet as valuable as you can and you will make more money. P.S. If you want me to break down more big lessons I learned from the book let me know in the comments.


    Daniel Zaitzow
    What do you think was your biggest take away - if you had an ah-ha moment?