I have open-sourced #1 Product of the day CamelAGI !!!

Anil Matcha
7 replies
Recently I launched CamelAGI which was #1 Product of the day https://www.producthunt.com/post... . I have now open-sourced it to the community for easy adoption. You can find the code from https://github.com/SamurAIGPT/Ca... . If you found the project useful and wish to get updates, you can give it a star on Github


Ivan Cekov
Congratulations on launching your project, Anil! It's always great to see people contributing to the community.
Mark Hinkle
Very cool Aneel, I think it's a pretty cool riff on Autonomous AI Agents. I starred it on Github too.
Richard Gao
Nice! Maybe we'll integrate the code with evoke-app.com
David J. Kim
Love the idea and kudos for open sourcing it. Can't wait to play around :)
Great initiative! Open-sourcing CamelAGI will enable easy adoption and allow the community to contribute to its growth. Thanks for sharing!
Samuel Tan
Congrats on the launch
André J
Launching soon!
Pretty cool man. starred it 🥰