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  • I have been trying for months to keep 2 promises BUT I NEED HELP and fast before it is to late!!!

    Elizabeth DeOrtega
    0 replies
    I promised my Momma on her deathbed to do everything I could to help kill cancer like cancer was killing her. I also promised my uncle to spread the word that getting tested for cancer could save your life. Because it would have saved his. Well my momma passed away Aug 13th 2020 at 5:32 pm the worst day of my life. However my uncle is still fighting his war with cancer but it is not going to be long before that evil silent killer takes him as well. I am trying to make either a elearning/donation/blog site or and affiliate marketing/donation/blog site. What I need to do is have a blog about how important getting screened for cancer really is (I have done hours and hours of research it is crazy Dr. do not want us to know so they can get more money) and I want to either sell my own products or be an affiliate to earn money so that I can donate 30% of my earning to cancer research to help kill cancer in honor of my Momma, I have invested so much time and money into different things to try and make money online there are so many fakes and scams online I am almost to the point of giving up. I have two different websites one was supposed to "DFY OUT THE BOX BUSINESS" You can see for yourself what they made me outlawaffiliate.com I paid $200 for that. Anyways I have so many PRL products and "webprimo" and "Drex" I mean you name it I may have it. All of these products was supposed to come with "Over the shoulder newbie friendly instructions" again all lies. I am out of money and out of time almost only GOD knows when he will decide to take my uncle home with him but I know if I don't get this done before he passes away I WILL NEVER FORGIVE MYSELF. I AM WILLING TO SHARE WHATEVER I MAKE WITH THESE PRODUCTS I MEAN I HAVE HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS IN PRL PRODUCTS AND DEVELOPERS RIGHTS PRODUCTS THAT WE COULD PUT THEM ALL TOGETHER AND MAKE SOMETHING REALLY AMAZING I KNOW IT. UNFORTUNATELY I DO NOT HAVE A CLUE HOW TO DO THAT. PPPLLLEEEAAASSSEEEE SOMEONE HELP
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