I have a launch tomorrow! Any last minute words of advice or encouragement?

Andrew James Bagby
30 replies
https://www.producthunt.com/prod... My company is launching our new Presentation Software that designs entire decks, slides, copy, and charts from a prompt. I love finding new tools to use on here so figured I'd give a shout out to the community. Hope to see you there!


Giannis Kiokpas
Notify Me button hit! Wishing some great success for tomorrow!
Giannis Kiokpas
@andrew_bagby that's great! how is it going so far?!
Ashrey Ignise R
Hey Andrew, Wish you the best from me and UpNation's team! We look forward to seeing your product tomorrow!
Chris Sarca
That's really nice, you have my support. :)
Benard Ogutu
Goodluck, I'll be here to offer my surpport.
It's impressive that you have already launched three times and secured some great awards. As I'm preparing for a launch at the end of next month, do you have any advice for me? 😅 Nevertheless, you can count on my support. Wishing you all the best.
Andrew James Bagby
@antony_a Community, talking to people and using their products. Connecting with other makers and founders. Also making some great explainer videos for your launch as well as following up with people afterwards. Also offering any sort of deal always helps.
Brian Yip
First off, congrats! I've used Beautiful before and just hit the "Notify me" button to support ❤️ We're also launching tomorrow and the best pieces of advice we've received are: 1. The first hour matters 2. Reach out to every single person you know 3. Respond to every single comment! Good luck and excited to see your launch tomorrow! 🥳
Noel Rajakumar
Congratulations on the launch, Andrew! Wish you the best from me and Steve.ai's team! Looking forward to understanding your product better :)