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  • I had a meeting with the CEO of Product hunt. AMA!

    9 replies
    A few days ago, I spoke to @rajivayyangar, the CEO of @ProductHunt. In our chat he shared the four essential steps makers should to take for a successful launch: 2-min demo Users come to Product Hunt because they want to see products. A demo video showing exactly what you're building, how it works, and how someone can get value from using it is the best way to do so. Maker comment This is an opportunity to create a personalized message to viewers and potential users to give a sense of who the builders are and why they’ve made this product in the first place. The goal should be to make the viewer feel as if the product was made for them. Concise tagline On launch day, you only have a second or so to catch someones attention while they scan the page. Leave out all the ambiguity out of your tagline and think of phrasing it in a way that would intrigue someone to learn more. Keep it concise. Network Simply put, the more supporters you have, the better the chance of ranking for a top spot. It's wise to be preemptive and start marketing your product at least 3 weeks before launch. Side note: If you're looking for places to build you network I put together this doc with 300+ places to promote your product, if you missed it the other day, enjoy: https://joshai.gumroad.com/l/idupk A lot of things to consider but at the end of the day, many huge companies with big budgets have flopped... As long as you have a cool and concise product that will trigger people's interest, you should be good! Here my original tweet: https://twitter.com/JoshhEarle/status/1764734122826563601


    Manu Armani
    Great tips, @jearle We'll definitely apply them to our launch.
    Ghulam Abbas
    Launching soon!
    Very insightful! Thanks for sharing!
    KurachiWeb 倉地 俊輔
    Great action and advice! About "Network", Is it better to have communicate in many places? Or be a leader in one place?
    Atticus Li
    Josh, thanks for the launch tips! Especially the 2-minute demo idea - that's perfect for our product. Your point on the Maker Comment hit home too - gotta connect with users. Love the tagline and networking reminders as well. Feeling good about our upcoming launch - even big guys stumble, so focusing on a cool product is key. Thanks for sharing your expertise!
    Gurkaran Singh
    Thanks for sharing, @JoshhEarle! I'm curious to hear more about your conversation with @rajivayyangar. Product Hunt is a great platform for makers to showcase their work and get feedback from early adopters. It's always helpful to hear from the CEO and get his insights on what makes a successful launch.
    Anastasia Buga
    Thanks for sharing this! Great advice.