I decided to give #Reddit another chance, for the third and, I think, final time.

Alexey Anshakov
13 replies
Does anyone use it? I kindly ask the PH community for advice on how to make the most of this service.


Teresa Long
Can you share any previous experiences on Reddit that influenced your decision to give it another try, and what do you hope to achieve this time around?
Alexey Anshakov
@t_long_cubs Let me copy/paste my answer to Beverly: I tried it for the first time about 10 years ago, and the second time about 5 years ago. Both times, I closed my account within the first few days. Apart from a shitstorm and unwarranted hostility, I didn't get anything out of it. Now, I want to approach it strictly from a business perspective and find clients by responding to comments. In other words, I don't plan on writing posts myself. And if in this case, I don't get anything except aggression, then there will be no reason for me to come back anymore.
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Reddit is always so sophisticated for me! It has thousands of unwritten rules that I can't figure out, and it always makes me so intimidated to post there, even when I'm following all the rules my posts won't get through.
While some people find Reddit to be a valuable source of information and a great place to engage in discussions with like-minded individuals, others may not find it interesting or engaging. It ultimately depends on your personal interests and how you use the platform. If you haven't found Reddit interesting so far, you could try exploring different subreddits that align with your interests. Additionally, you can customize your home feed by subscribing to subreddits and hiding those that don't interest you.
Namrata Arya
Are you talking about using Reddit for product promotion? Or are you talking about just using it for fun?
Alexey Anshakov
@namrata_arya Seems advertising is practically prohibited across all subreddits. So I want to try to build networking and find clients by answering questions.
Beverly Martin
What factors led to your decision to give Reddit another chance, and why do you believe it will be your final attempt?
Alexey Anshakov
@bemartin_bm77 I tried it for the first time about 10 years ago, and the second time about 5 years ago. Both times, I closed my account within the first few days. Apart from a shitstorm and unwarranted hostility, I didn't get anything out of it. Now, I want to approach it strictly from a business perspective and find clients by responding to comments. In other words, I don't plan on writing posts myself. And if in this case, I don't get anything except aggression, then there will be no reason for me to come back anymore.
Alice White
There are countless implicit guidelines that I struggle to comprehend, which consistently deter me from sharing content, and even when adhering to the known rules, my posts often don't make it through.
Alexey Anshakov
@alicew88a I feel you! For now, I've decided not to post anything for myself but only to respond to other people's posts. However, Reddit's toxicity is even discouraging me from engaging in this activity.
Carl Peterson
Your posts might not be getting approved because they are not following the subreddit's rules or because they are being flagged as spam by the subreddit's spam filter.
Alexey Anshakov
@carlpete91 It's not about the approval, but about the community's attitude. You share something, and instead of getting "thank you," you receive hate. The same content receives support on LinkedIn, but on Reddit, it faces a wave of negativity.