I’d love to get your advice on a product we’re thinking about building

Fraser Jeffrey
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Have you experienced a business problem using spreadsheets where user role based view/edit controls would've helped? For example restricting access to internal tools and pricing calculators within your company or when sharing spreadsheets with external clients -without wanting to expose proprietary or business sensitive formulas etc. Current solutions with granular user role based view/edit controls such as Securesheet etc are aimed at Enterprise and the HR market. Google sheets among others provide simple ON/OFF View edit options. However sometimes you want users to be able to interact with some columns but not others. From speaking to a couple small businesses and agencies, there seems to be a viable niche in between enterprise solutions and Google sheets. - Could you describe the problem you were trying to solve? - If you would waive a magic wand and this problem was solved how would it look? - How many people do you know who've experienced a similar pain point?
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