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  • I built my startup to 20k+ users and here's how i did it

    Jijo John
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    Hey everyone, I wanted to share a bit about my journey and some lessons I learned along the way. A while back, I started a startup from scratch, and after a lot of trial and error, I managed to grow it to over 20,000 users. Here are a few tips that really made a difference for me: Listen to Your Audience: One of the best decisions I made was to actively monitor what people were saying about my product on social media. It helped me understand their needs and adjust my messaging accordingly. Engage in Conversations: I found that jumping into relevant discussions, especially on platforms like Reddit and Hacker News, was a great way to get my product in front of the right people without coming off as too salesy. Automate What You Can: Managing social media manually can be overwhelming. Automating parts of the process, like posting and tracking mentions, saved me a ton of time and allowed me to focus on growth strategies. Measure and Adapt: Analytics were crucial. By tracking which posts and strategies worked, I could double down on what was effective and drop what wasn’t. After seeing how effective these strategies were, I realized others could benefit from them too. That’s why I decided to turn my experience into a tool that can do the same for you. Here’s what it does: Monitors Social Media: It tracks mentions of your product across platforms like Reddit, X (formerly Twitter), Hacker News, and more (with more platforms coming soon). Gets Customers: By inserting your product into relevant conversations, it helps you attract and convert new customers. Captures Leads: It doesn’t just drive traffic; it captures leads so you can follow up and close more sales. AI-Powered Posting: The tool creates posts on your behalf using advanced AI, keeping your product visible without you having to do all the legwork. Sentiment Analysis & Analytics: You get insights through sentiment analysis and detailed analytics, allowing you to better understand your audience and refine your strategies. Here's a little video i captured with quicktime, share your feedback https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MJr_GqWPOh4aV_ODHud587Uss2_f8VEF/view?usp=sharing I’m planning to launch this tool ( in the video) in two days and would love to get your thoughts. If anyone’s interested in trying it out, let me know!
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