I believe we should use AI to educate our kids

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Hey there! So, I've been thinking a lot about how we can make learning super cool for our kids, especially with all this awesome technology we have. I'm into web, video, and digital art, and I can't help but wonder: why not use AI to make education way more exciting? Waiting for all this cool AI stuff to reach the classroom might take forever, and I believe there is no time to waste anymore. AI can make learning fun, keeping kids curious and excited about discovering new stuff, as well I would really say, teach them emotions to, when they are expressing in a daily journal or so to their AI Buddy, it is just to many times that I see parents, who are pretty much not willing to give their kids the attention that they deserve, but let´s not get into this. Right now, teachers are doing their best, but it's tough for them to keep up with everything changing so fast. Imagine if there was a way to use AI to help them and make learning more fun and personalized for each student, it could solve all this bs that is going on because of immigrants and the discussions the people in power have about it. 1 teacher for up to 30 kids, is just not good enough. So, AI is like a superhero for education. It can understand how each student learns best and create lessons that fit them perfectly. no more struggling with stuff that's too hard or getting bored with things that are too easy. I honestly believe AI can make sure every student gets just the right stuff so he will never get bored, especially now that VR is getting bigger too, learning can become an experience. You know how pretty much everyone wants to get some feedback from time to time? Well, AI can provide that pretty much, gives feedback super fast, so you always know if you are on the right track or even how you're doing and what you can do better. Plus, AI can help students worldwide, no matter where they live or how much money they have. Time to Shake Things Up: I love the idea of shaking up the way we learn. Instead of waiting for things to change, let's be the change! As someone into blockchain and decentralization, I see a future where AI helps create a cool, decentralized way of learning that's accessible to everyone. Let´s not wait another year, education is the most powerful weapon we have against pretty much everything. The future of education is right here, and AI is what we can use, like the secret sauce to make it awesome. I can imagine that actually learning can be as much fun as playing computer games, at least my son wants to know everything. Together, we can make it happen, creating a future where every kid has the chance to explore, learn, and have a blast while doing it. Would love to hear your thoughts about this. P.S.: I have no fear of AI at all, for me, it is a tool, I use to get content from a super long article summary or help me do some writing, the thing is if we start fearing, we are pretty much manifesting this, it should not be that way
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