Ignas Vaitukaitis

I am launching tomorrow, feeling excited!

I am launching AlphaCorp tomorrow: https://www.producthunt.com/products/alphacorp-ai Thanks for an amazing 35 days of positivity on Product Hunt!

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Pierre-Yves Dubreucq
Good luck ! I’ll launch tomorrow too ! My teaser https://urlr.me/Bx9mT
Ted Schaefer
@pydubreucq following! here's mine 😄 https://www.producthunt.com/prod...
Pierre-Yves Dubreucq
@sixbangs thanks :) I follow too ;)
Ignas Vaitukaitis
@pydubreucq good luck Pierre! Notified
Ted Schaefer
Joshua Moffitt
@sixbangs Just signed up for yours. If you'd be so kind as to check ours out, we're doing an Earth Day launch. https://www.producthunt.com/prod...
Ted Schaefer
@j_moffitt big fan of innovations in green energy funding. following and good luck!
Ted Schaefer
hey Ignas, you should replicate the Snitch Test: https://twitter.com/agishibaa/st... if AlphaCorp lets you group chat with multiple models, it'd be interesting to see how they respond to each other
Ignas Vaitukaitis
@sixbangs I am having a look at it. Thanks for sharing!
Joshua Moffitt
Just signed up, if you could upvote my project as well I'd appreciate it! https://www.producthunt.com/prod...
Good luck tomorrow.. I'll be there to support you.
Divine Rivers
Yessir, lets get it bro bro. Here merely to put shine on your big day 😃