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  • How would you...

    Rohan Pathak
    14 replies
    Let's assume your startup was a dish at a restaurant... How would you describe it on the menu, and what unique flavors would you offer diners?


    Slava Nikitenko
    You will feel the drive of Tasmanian mushrooms, the unique aroma of fresh cannabis buds and you will never eat other dishes again...
    Josh B.
    On demand cuisine.
    Rohan Pathak
    @benjil that way You wouldn't even have to explain the ingredients of the dish because the diner is good already know that this is the best selling dish!
    If I were to describe a dish on a menu, I would want to use words that would make the diner's mouth water and their imagination wander. I would want to highlight the unique flavors of the dish and the way that they come together to create a delicious and satisfying meal.
    Rohan Pathak
    @maya_boothman looks like you have a great grasp of copywriting concepts and how to use copy to get the buyer to imagine how your product will solve their problems! Talking about the unique flavors - it would be the USP of your dish right? So what would be the particular flavors you want to talk about your dish?
    Konok Nazmul
    I love this question! If my startup were a dish on a menu, I would describe it as "Innovation Fusion" - a combination of traditional and modern flavors that create a unique and unforgettable experience. Our dish would offer a blend of unexpected ingredients and techniques, bringing together the best of both worlds. To add some unique flavors to the mix, I would incorporate elements like AI-driven personalization, blockchain technology for transparency, and sustainable sourcing practices. These flavors would not only enhance the taste of our dish but also provide added value to our diners. Now, I'm curious to know, if your startup were a dish, how would you describe it on the menu? And what unique flavors would you offer diners? Let's dive into this delicious discussion and get creative with our startup-menu ideas! 🍽️ For those interested in exploring the intersection of food and startups, I recommend checking out the "Food Tech" category on Product Hunt. There are some really cool products and innovations happening in this space that could inspire your own culinary startup journey. Happy exploring and bon appétit!
    Rohan Pathak
    @konok_nazmul Yo There is some unique explanation you have done. I love the idea of bringing the best out of both traditional and modern practices so the diner can have the best of both worlds. Adding AI and blockchain technology to your product seems like no brainer strategy. i'm pretty sure your dish will be the most popular dish of the restaurant!
    Brian Bauer
    The plate would have one banner type Ad (with QR Code). The banner Ad would be positioned in the middle of the plate with text and background colors that are so unbelievably ugly and bright, you would read it before you noticed anything else. The text would have one word in bold text saying “WARNING” Under the bright warning banner it would say, “We highly recommend CLICKING HERE prior to making any purchase this evening.” (thus the QR Code). Once clicked, they are brought to a 1 minute long video (background music playing Gwar) and an ominous person sitting in an old electric chair used from the late 80’s, dressed in all black, a hoodie covering their face, and them picking their teeth for the first 10 seconds using a switchblade and going through all below in a heavy British and scary as hell voice/accent: “If you order our plate and food right now, you will be brought good fortune and promise you’ll like it as much as any other plate and food on the menu. What you need to ask is what happens if you don’t buy our plate and food as there are consequences for all decisions we make. For this choice, although entirely yours to make, the consequences would be what we implement in 24 hours for an entire 3 month long marketing blitz of various Campaigns including:” 1. Targeting you across all your devices, social channels, sites you shop on and visit, your tv, the Youtube Channel you watch 2 hours a day, and even your own car. 2. We have your address, so we’ll begin a direct mailing campaign. Yeah, all that junk mail, that will be us, but with a new message every week for 12 consecutive weeks. 3. We have your family/relative names and would leverage the same Omni-Marketing Channel campaign tactic for them as in #1, but only for the closest 3-4 of them to you. 4. We have several of your email addresses and will figure out which 2 you still use for bi-monthly email marketing campaigns. 5. We have your mobile number now and will begin 2 text and 2-3 direct call campaigns every other day for 12 weeks. 6. Each night someone will drive by slowly past your address at 2:00 am and hold the horn down for 15 seconds. Again, during week nights, but for 12 straight weeks. “So, that’s the top 6 consequences, but may surprise you with a few other tactics also. However, it is entirely your choice and hope you make the right one.” Then in light and barley readable text an “opt out” and a disclaimer as this being a joke. So, legally we should be good. As you can see, in my mind it isn’t about the plate or the food, but the data we were able to get from every person that read the menu that evening.
    Rohan Pathak
    @blasterman You just proved why data is the best thing an advertiser can get his hands on! I didn't realise how fast you went from talking about how you would be described as a food dish in a restaurant talking about how you can leverage the data for your omnipresent marketing efforts!
    Shajedul Karim
    i'll serve you mine. dish: time-traveler's delight crafted with love and innovation, NotesNudge is a sumptuous blend of nostalgia, discovery, and future aspirations. our recipe is unique: while most dishes satiate only today's hunger, ours beckons to memories of meals past. description: each bite, or note, encapsulates a moment, a thought, an emotion you once cherished. it's a gentle reminder of yesterday, delivered fresh to your plate today. its taste? varies every day. sometimes it's a burst of laughter, other times, profound introspection. always, a surprise. flavors: the primary essence is rediscovery - reliving moments forgotten in the daily hustle. layered atop this is a sprinkle of innovation - an AI that's not just smart, but thoughtful. and to finish, a zest of anticipation - for tomorrow's memory served today. serving suggestion: indulge daily, preferably with a side of morning coffee. let the mix of old memories and fresh insights ignite your day. and when you're craving a deeper dive, employ our AI's prowess to enhance, explore, and experience your notes in ways you hadn't imagined. note: whether you're an enthusiast of the written word or the spoken thought, we cater to all. and for those who seek more than just a meal, our menu offers diverse delights - from contextual searches to 3D-enhanced notes that leap off the plate. if you're wondering about the chefs, it's you. every note you pen, every voice memo you record, contributes to this ever-evolving dish. and as for us? we're just here to ensure every serving is as delightful as you'd expect. so, the way i would describe my startup on a menu? it's your past conversations, your archived ideas, your forgotten smiles, served fresh daily. unique flavors guaranteed. come, dine with your past self.
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    Timothy Upai Lindris
    The challenge: Been thinking about this for a while or since forever lol. I can easily get anxious for no reason. Usually I will end up choosing the first item i saw. Being indecisive, ADHD, definitely a fun and freaky at the same time for me. The idea: What if there’s an insert/section in the menu (it can be super visible too) that says: 🔍Surprise me Or 🕹️ Dish Roulette Both item are self-explanatory, slightly different methods but def interesting outcome.
    Liz Worthy
    At our all-you-can-eat sundae bar, talented robot chefs will craft the perfect sundae for you. Once it's been delivered to your table, you'll have the option of returning to the bar to add that extra sprinkle of sprinkles or drizzle of chocolate syrup. Our sundae bar isn't just all you-can-eat. It's also free. Open 24-7. No reservations required. Want to eat two or ten sundaes at the same time, go ahead!