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  • How would you explain your job to a kid?

    Steffi Nicolaïdes
    17 replies
    I'll start: I beautify businesses and make them known to the right people. To the people who need to know about them. Happy and proud to be a marketer 💪


    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    I help people (companies) to be seen – so they know about those companies and are curious about what companies do and even want to have those things.
    Steffi Nicolaïdes
    @busmark_w_nika haha it needs to be tried out! I personally tried on one of my little cousin of 6 years old, and he understood! Not gonna lie, I froze for a second when he asked me what I do, then I got something to say!
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @steffi_nicolaides What was her reaction? :D What does she want to be when she grows up? :)
    Steffi Nicolaïdes
    @busmark_w_nika nice way putting it! I like it!
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @steffi_nicolaides I hope that kids would comprehend it :D
    Huma Saqib
    As a doctor, I explain to a child that my duty is to help people feel better when they are ill.
    Steffi Nicolaïdes
    @huma_saqib and we need all of you! thank you for your work!
    Kimberly West
    As a content creator, I explain it to a child simply as My job involves creating entertaining and exciting content for others to enjoy. It's similar like creating a fantastic show and sharing it with everyone so they may have fun or learn something new.
    Steffi Nicolaïdes
    @kimberly_west what a nice way to put it! and what kind of content do you create?
    I describe my employment as a remote job because I work from home, much as when you complete your schoolwork at the kitchen table. I work and communicate online using my computer rather than going to an office.
    Steffi Nicolaïdes
    @emm_a what exactly do you do remotely?
    When explaining a work to a child, I should utilize clear, understandable examples and basic language. A job is something parents perform to help make money so they can buy stuff like food, toys, and clothes, to put it simply and according to their age and mindset.
    Christopher James Turner
    For kiddos, I'd say being a programmer is like being a chef that makes recipes for computers to follow. We write the step-by-step instructions in a special language the computer understands, so it knows exactly what to do - just like a recipe tells a chef how to make a tasty meal! And when we put all those instructions together just right, we can create games, apps, and all sorts of cool digital stuff. So coding is kind of like cooking up fun things, but with keyboards instead of ovens!
    Steffi Nicolaïdes
    @christopherjamesturner haha I love the keyboards being the ovens!
    Zachary William King
    When kids ask what I do, I tell them my job is teaching computers how to be smart, just like their teachers help them learn new things every day. Sometimes the computers get confused like they do, but I'm there to help them figure things out, just like their teachers are always there to help them.
    Steffi Nicolaïdes
    @zacharywilliamking nice put!! I like the idea of teachers